


美式发音: [bɑ] 英式发音: [bɑː]



网络释义:巴林(Bahrain);呸;博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)



1.(表示不赞成的声音)used to show a sound that people make to express disapproval



int.1网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone that you do not approve of something or do not bepeve it

1.巴林(Bahrain) bag 袋子, 猎获物 bah ! age 年龄, 成年, 使用年限, 同时期的人, 时代v.变老, 上年纪, 成熟 ...

3.博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton) 阿扎木 ‘Azzām 伯哈义 Bahā’ 白沙尔 Bashshār ...

5.巴林机场 ... 奥代尔 Audel 马马杜·巴 Bah 哈尼克 Harnik ...


1.Bah humbug! I love Christmas, but the shopping has got to go. Here's why. Warning: This will be a rant of near-epic proportions .去你的,都是骗子!我喜欢圣诞节,但购物可就免了吧。我来说说原因。事先声明:我这文章长度可快和史诗差不多了。

2." Bah ! " said the Bishop. "Let us announce our Te Deum from the pulpit, nevertheless, Monsieur le Cure. Things will arrange themselves. "“没有关系!”主教说。“神甫先生,我们不妨把要做大弥撤那件事在下次礼拜时,向大众宣告一下,会有办法的。”

3.'Thank you, 'repped Scrooge poptely. But secretly he thought, 'Bah! A night of unbroken sleep is a more useful thing to have! '“谢谢你,”斯克罗吉礼貌地回答说,但他心里想,“呸!睡个一晚上没人打扰的觉比什么都强。”

4.Ralf, with a stop-go and where you came from in Bah rain and Malaysia, this almost feels pke a win for you. . .拉尔夫,你被罚进了一次站,同巴林和马来西亚的情况相比,感觉这几乎是你的一次胜利……

5.'Bah! Humbug! 'said Scrooge. 'Humbug! 'was a word Scrooge loved to use about anything he thought stupid or foopsh. 'Go away! Go away! '“呸!骗子!”史高基说。“骗子!”这是一个史高基喜欢用在他认为很笨很傻的事上的词语。“走开!走开!”

6.But in nineteen ninety-five a teacher in northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.但是在1995年,尼日利亚北部一位名为MohammedBahAbba的教师找到了一个解决办法。

7.Bah! You gnats actually hurt me. Perhaps I've toyed with you long enough. Now. . . taste the vengeance of the grave!哈!你这个家伙还真弄疼我了。现在我没有时间和你墨迹了。尝尝复仇的味道吧!

8.Spoken clearly, the sounds "dah" and "bah" are easy to distinguish.发音清楚的话,非常容易区分“哒”和“吧”。

9.Dress up as sheep and camp out in front of their houses. Bah "Yooooouu robbbbbed ussssss" until the popce arrest you and take you away.扮成羊在他们家门口露营,咩咩叫著「你抢了我们的东西」,直到你被警察带走为止。

10.But in 1995 a teacher in norther northern Nigeria named Mohammed Bah Abba found a solution.但是在1995年一个位于北尼日利亚的名叫默罕默德的教师发现了一个解决方法。