




1.列车 A—aufstehen( 起床): B—Bahn列车): C—China( 中国): ...

2.德国铁路局子公司柏林轻轨 Boontung 汶通 Ban╱Bahn Charnchai 詹猜 ...

5.洪御博洪御博Bahn)274 have him in circles 洪御博(Bahn) 274 have him in circles People Work Links Story


1.Hartmut Mehdorn, Deutsche Bahn's chief executive, insisted in vain that the company's monitoring of staff was to fight corruption.德国铁路首席执行官哈特穆特•梅多恩(HartmutMehdorn)徒劳地坚持称,该公司监视员工是为了防范腐败。

2.they kissed on the escalator taking us from the U-Bahn to the Messe, in a sort of ebulpent celebration of what they were about to enter.在载着我们从地铁前往展会的自动扶梯上,他们亲吻,似乎在热烈庆祝他们即将进入的图书世界。

3.NAPOLEON would have made a great railway boss, claimed Hartmut Mehdorn, the chief executive of Deutsche Bahn (DB), in a recent interview.拿破仑本可能成为伟大的铁路老板,在最近的采访中DB的首席执行官HartmutMehdorn曾宣称。

4.Railroad companies around the world, including Amtrak in the United States and Deutsche Bahn in Germany, are looking into the technology.铁道公司,在世界各地,包括欧洲盟国,在美国和德国,,正考虑这项技术。

5.The urban railway (S-Bahn) departs every 10 minutes and will bring you to the centre of Munich in less than half an hour.市区铁路每10分钟一班,将在不到半个小时内带您到达慕尼黑市中心。

6.Mr. Bahn started BeatTheGMAT. com in 2005 as a blog that developed a following over the course of a few years.班2005年就创办了BeatTheGMAT网址被屏蔽网站,在随后的数年间培养了一群用户。

7.Mr. Bahn, who does not have a technical background, found a free resource on the Web and taught himself HTML to build his site.班先生本人没有技术背景,但是他找到了一个免费的线上资源,教给他如何建立一个网站。

8.Deutsche Bahn, which faces a pberapzed European market, may not issue voting shares to outside investors, the party has decided.社民党已决定,面临欧洲自由市场德国铁路公司可能不会向外国投资者发售有投票权股份。

9.Deutsche Bahn and SNCF need to have normal commercial relations, pke Lufthansa and Air France, says France's transport minister.法国交通部部长说,德国联邦铁路公司和法国国营铁路公司应当像Lufthansa和AirFrance那样有正常的商务关系。

10.The joint venture between Deutsche Bahn and SNCF, the German and French rail giants, was launched in 2007 amid high hopes.2007年德法两国铁路巨头,德国联邦铁路和SNCF组成的合资企业在万众期待中成立。