




1.网站分析之百度 just e 网址 : 0.45 % baidu com 帅气男装 : 0.45 % MP 淘 知 : 0.45 % ...

3.心情贴图 行行摄摄 心情贴图 baidu:0.95 % 心情贴图 baidu com:0.95 % 投诉电话 QQ Discuz:0.95 % ...

4.分类 rdquo (庄生梦蝶 分类: : 0.27 % baidu com 分类: : 0.27 % SEO 优化常见的十个误区 : 0.53 % ...

5.通行证 secbao 详细 详细 : 0.89 % baidu com 通行证 : 0.89 % com 通行证 帖子排行 : 0.89 % ...


1.But if the keyword scandal takes root among China's consumers, valuation isn't going to be the deciding factor for Baidu. com's stock price.但如果关键词丑闻对中国消费者产生深刻影响,那么估值就不会再是百度股价的决定性因素。

2.I have been doing translation on baidu. com for about 2 years now, and I do it only out of my interest in studying the languages.我已经在百度做了大概两年的翻译,我完全是出自对学习语言的兴趣才给人们翻译的。

3.All this represents an opportunity for Google, China's No. 2 search engine with a 27. 8% market share compared with Baidu. com's 60%.所发生的这些事件都给谷歌(Google)带来了机会。谷歌在中国网络搜索引擎领域排名第二,市场占有率为27.8%,百度的市场份额为60%。

4.The new venture would be fresh competition for Baidu. com, a private company that runs China's dominant search engine.这一新举措将给百度带来全新的竞争对手。百度是一家提供中国本土搜索引擎服务的私人公司。

5.Qingdao Haier Co. Ltd, in association with Baidu. com Inc. , sponsored an Olympics onpne "love torch" relay.青岛海尔有限公司携手百度公司,赞助奥运在线“爱心火炬”传递活动。

6.It takes pttle effort for baidu. com to maintain its lead in the highly competitive Chinese search market.百度可以轻松的在高度竞争性的中国搜索市场保持其领先。

7.However the situation plays out, Baidu. com's stock may struggle to recover in a gloomy market.虽然此事似乎已告一段落,但百度的股票在低迷的市场中可能难以出现反弹。

8.Notes: All photos come from Baidu. com. Heartily thanks the photographers.所有的图片均来自百度,真心谢谢摄影者。

9.and Baidu. com, etc. , together with their basic services represent the basic patterns of portal sites.新浪、搜狐、百度等网站及其基本服务上可以说是门户网站的基本形态。

10.According to Coca-Cola, the single reached the No. 1 spot on the top 100 music download chart of Baidu. com, a leading Chinese web site.可口可乐公司表示,在中国主要的搜索引擎“百度”上,《畅爽开怀》这首单曲名列前一百首下载歌曲排行榜的榜首。