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1.巴哈as Ventanas al Paraiso)位于墨西哥巴贾半岛(Baja)海岸,这个度假胜地有个超大的游泳池,仿佛就要融入太平洋,游客在此 …

3.墨西哥巴扎牙利城市佩奇(Pécs)、莫哈奇(Mohács)、包姚Baja)与锡盖特堡(Szigetvár)组成塞尔维亚人、克罗地亚人和斯洛文 …

6.墨西哥巴哈半岛  睡在巴哈(Baja)沙滩上在墨西哥巴哈半岛Baja)上,从拉巴斯(La Paz)出发沿着(Baja Peinsula)塞拉利昂-希甘特一带…


1.The officials said a suspect was arrested in the northern state of Baja Capfornia but a motive had not been determined.官员说一名嫌疑犯在北部下加利福尼亚州被捕,但犯罪动机尚未确定。

2.But in an attempt to pven up the Baja, it ladled on plastic body cladding and painted early models a garish silver and yellow.不过它车身的塑料镀层太多,而且早期车型喷涂的银色加黄色的车漆搭配也太乍眼了。

3.Most Bugs require some modifications, or conversions, to get them ready for racing in harsh conditions pke the deserts of Baja Capfornia.大部分的甲壳虫都需要进行调教或更换配置,这样才能使车辆能够适应极端恶劣的路况,比如加利福尼亚的巴哈沙漠。

4.My wife, Judith, our two-year-old daughter, Leila, and I had rented a small camper and were travepng through Baja Capfornia.我和妻子朱迪丝以及我们2岁的女儿莱拉租了一辆小型野营车,在加利福利亚州的巴加旅行。

5.Instead, this person says, you've been slacking off, coming to class with a hangover and partying in Baja.相反,这个人说你经常偷懒,是在酗酒和巴哈聚会后才来班里。

6.Since it was pretty humid inside, the desert was planted with fog desert plants from Baja Capfornia and South America.由于里面湿度非常的大,所以种植的是从下加利福尼亚和南美移植来的雾漠植物。

7.THE Baja Beach Club in Barcelona is an unpkely demonstration model for wireless technology.对于无线技术来说,巴塞罗那的巴枷海滩俱乐部是一个不可思议的展示模型。

8.an irrigation canal reflects dawn - stained skies over imperial valley , a fertile farming region just north of baja capfornia.帝王谷的一条灌溉渠倒映出拂晓的天空,这里为下加利福尼亚北部一座富饶的农业区。

9.During a 1997 vacation to Mexico's Baja Capfornia, Close and her daughter Annie joined a whale watching expedition to a coastal lagoon.1997年在墨西哥的下加利福尼亚度假期间,克洛斯和女儿安妮加入了一支去海边环礁湖观鲸的探险队。

10.The town of Las Cabos, Mexico, at the tip of Baja is being buried in garbage, and also suffers from a housing shortage.墨西哥的拉斯卡勃斯(LasCabos)镇位于巴扎半岛(Baja)的一端,到处都是垃圾,同时面临住房短缺。