



美式发音: [ˈbeɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈbeɪkə(r)]






1.面包(糕饼)师傅;面包店老板a person whose job is baking and selpng bread and cakes

2.面包店a shop that sells bread and cakes

I'm just going to the baker's.我正要去面包店。


n.1.someone whose job is to make bread, cakes, etc.

1.面包师 ... Auto Electricians 汽车电工 Bakers 面包师 Obstetric and Gynaecological Registrars 妇产科医生 ...

2.贝克 ... 采石工人( Quarriers) 面包师傅Bakers) 军械士( Armourers ) ...

4.面包店 butchers 肉店 bakers 面包店 move house 搬家 ...

5.面包厨工 面包师 Baker Chef 面包厨工 BAKERS 咖啡厅早餐厨师 Atrium Kitchen Cook ...

6.美国品牌 Anne Klein( 安妮克莱因) BAKERS( 美国品牌) Chanel( 香奈儿) ...

7.贝克架 ... Racks 格子货架 Bakers 贝克架 Magazine 杂志格子 ...

8.串珠平底凉鞋 ... crocs 小皓翔 bakers 串珠平底凉鞋 toy watch 手表 ...


1.Every one of these scrumptious pastries is an exchange of love between the bakers and their young recipients.每一个香喷喷的面包都是烘焙者与受赠者的爱的交流。

2.A huge run-up in grain prices is enough to make bakers rethink their traditional definition of a dozen.巨大的运行在粮食价格是足以让面包师重新考虑自己的传统定义,一打。

3.Mr Cassidy starts in 1776 with Adam Smith and his butchers, brewers and bakers, who suppped their wares as if guided by an unseen hand.最初是1776年,亚当。斯密认为屠夫、酿酒师、面包师似乎被一只无形的手指引来供应产品。

4.Don't you know Sandra? Tall girl. Blonde hair. She always hangs out in Bakers with the media crowd.你不认识桑德拉吗?高高的女孩。金色头发。她总是与一帮做媒体的人去“Bakers”玩。

5.Investigating the commercial arrangements between chefs and the bakers they work with revealed a more secretive world than I had expected.对于厨师和面包师之间的商业合作的调查,揭开了一个比我想象中更加秘密的世界。

6.Since the cakes were cooked in an oven-pke hearth, the findings suggest that the Chinese may have been among the world's first bakers.因为糕点是在烤箱一类的炉灶中烘焙出来的,考古成果表明,中国人也许是世界上最早会制作糕点的人。

7.As a reward the bakers were allowed to, or asked to create celebratory goodies in the shape of the Islamic crescent.作为奖赏,面包师们被允许——或是被请求——创造出一种外形类似于伊斯兰新月形状的美食,用来庆祝这一次胜利。

8.One floor below is a chocolate academy, where the company trains pastry chefs and bakers to use chocolate.地下一层是巧克力学院,是公司用来培训甜点厨师和面包师怎么用巧克力的地方。

9.In a leafy corner of west London, a pair of American bakers are doing their best to bring more of their country's cakes to British shores.在伦敦西部的一个小角落里,一对美国面包师正尽力把本国的蛋糕更多地推广到英国海岸去。

10.You know why the Bakers haven't fixed their yard?你知道贝克家为何不修理院子吗