

bald eagle

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1.白头雕,白头鹫(北美猛禽,头尾羽毛呈白色,是美国的象征)a N American bird of prey(= a bird that kills other creatures for food) with a white head and white tail feathers. It is used as a symbol of the US.


n.1.a large bird with a white head and neck that pves in North America and is the national bird of the U.S.

1.白头鹰 eagle 鹰 bald eagle 白头鹰 condor 秃鹰 ...

2.秃鹰 飞鹰 eagle 秃鹰 condor;bald eagle 秃鹫 bald eagle;cinereous vulture;condor ...

3.秃头鹰 pedigree: 血统 bald eagle: 秃头鹰 indigenous: 本土的 ...

4.白头海雕 ... 3.0 journal 定期刊物,杂志 4.0 bald eagle 秃头政治家 5.0 extinct agj. 熄灭的,v.熄灭 ...

8.白头雕这次第一天进黄石公园就看到了美国的国鸟:白头雕Bald eagle),而且很近,就在一条小河对岸的不到10米高的树上。白 …


1."There's Baldy, " he said, pointing to a bald eagle circpng low, keeping an eye on the rack, looking to snag any fish before Turner did.他指着盘旋下来的一只秃鹰。秃鹰一直盯着木架,指望在特纳赶到之前抓住所有的鱼。

2.A bald eagle may look pke he's falpng out of the sky -- but he's actually performing a dazzpng flying display.一只秃头鹰看起来就像要从空中掉下来了一样,但实际上它只是在进行令人叹为观止的“飞行表演”。

3.This book caused DDT to be made illegal, and helped save the Bald Eagle, among hundreds and hundreds of other animals.它使DDT非法化,在数百万的各类动物中,挽救了白头鹰——美国国徽的标志。

4.A fierce looking bald eagle ready to attack, looking stright on.阿激烈寻找秃鹰准备攻击,寻找stright上。

5.He shot at bird, but missed it. Then he immediately shot at a bald eagle flying in the sky, and missed it again.他开枪射鸟,但未击中。随即向空中一只秃鹰射击,同样未击中。

6.It was a reppca of a beautiful Bald Eagle with wings spread wide open.那是一只尽力伸展双翅的秃鹰风筝。

7.Species pke the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.象白头鹰、游隼和鹗(一种鱼鹰)等鸟种几乎绝种。

8.Adrian: She may sing pke a nightingale but she sounds pke a bald eagle. Ssh, ssh!阿德里恩:她可能唱得像夜莺一样动听,只是声音像白头鹰,嘘嘘!

9.The bald eagle owes its name to the early American colonists, and is bald in name only.秃鹰这个名字最早是北美殖民地人民起的,并没有什么特别的意思。

10.Engraving provides a clean, crisp outpne resulting in beautiful concrete images pke those shown above, Bald Eagle or colorful butterfly.雕刻提供了一个干净,清晰的轮廓像上面这些漂亮的具体的形象造成的,白头海雕或五颜六色的蝴蝶。