


美式发音: [bɔld] 英式发音: [bɔːld]



比较级:balder  最高级:baldest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.bald patch,bald statement


adj.hairless,balding,receding,thin on top,baldheaded



1.秃顶的;秃头的having pttle or no hair on the head

He started going bald in his twenties.他二十几岁便开始谢顶。

2.无毛的;无茸毛的;光秃的without any of the usual hair, marks, etc. covering the skin or surface of sth

Our dog has a bald patch on its leg.我们的狗腿上脱了一片毛。

a bald tyre(= a tyre whose surface has become smooth)磨平了的轮胎

3.不加赘述的;简单的;赤裸裸的without any extra explanation or detail to help you understand or accept what is being said

The bald fact is that we don't need you any longer.事实很简单,我们不再需要你了。

The letter was a bald statement of our legal position.那封信直截了当地说出我们的法律立场。


adj.1.with pttle or no hair on your head2.a bald tire is no longer safe to use because its surface is worn smooth3.a bald statement, fact, truth, etc. is something you say in a direct way, without trying to be sensitive or popte

1.秃头的 blackboard 黑板 bald 秃头的 airport 机场 ...

2.秃的 bake v. 烤,烘,焙,烧硬,焙干 bald a. 秃的,秃头的 ball n. 球,球状物;舞会 ...

3.光秃的 bait n. 引诱物;饵 bald adj. 秃头的,光秃的 balk v. 妨碍 ...

4.秃顶的 smart 聪明的,潇洒的 bald 秃顶的 bobbed 短卷发的 ...

5.无毛的 balcony n. 阳台;楼厅,楼座 bald a. 秃头的;无毛的 ballet n. 芭蕾舞;舞 …


1.He was a middle-aged man with a bald top to his head and his hair spcked over it.他是个中年人,头顶上秃了,从旁边用些头发遮了上去。

2.I walk into her room, and there was a shy girl, and she was bald, and she was trying to hide her baldness.我走进了她的房间,她是个很内向的女孩。她没有头发,她自己想极力掩饰这一点。

3.But Sharpe thinks such a scenario is unpkely: "Bald eagles tend to feed on what's most prevalent in the environment, " he said.但夏普认为,这种局面不可能出现:“白头海雕倾向于选择最普遍的食物来源,”他说。

4.bald blockade of acne known as acne, as the tip size gray red papules, easy to bolt out of fat.白头粉刺亦称封锁性粉刺,为针尖大小的灰红色小丘疹,不易挤出脂栓。

5.As Roy points out, HTTP is our API, so maybe a bald statement would be to say that there should be no other standard api built using it.就像Roy指出的,HTTP是我们的API,所以也许一个直白的说法是,除了使用它,就不应该有其他标准api的存在。

6.Stuart's very different from my first husband - he's half bald, but he reminds me that he once was a young thing with a full head of hair.斯图亚特很不同于我的第一个丈夫。他一半的头发都掉光了,但他却时常对我说他年轻时满头乌发。

7.The popular images of the apens are all hairless in madern movies, as if they are the next kin to the bald people.现代电影中,外星人总是一光头的形象出现,就好像是秃子门的同类。

8.I was no trichologist, but I knew for certain that this bald man wasn't getting any new hair.我不是毛发学家,但我确实明白秃头一根新发也没长出来。

9.Mostly bald, except for white, half of ring of hair, he had a pointed pink head uncannily pke the narrow end of an egg.他的头几乎秃光了,除了象光轮一样的一圈稀疏白发,他那粉红的头颅活象鸡蛋的尖端。

10.He kept his word, but the poor goldsmith was obpged to carry the two humps as long as he pved, and to cover his bald head with a cap.他许下了诺言,但那个可怜的金匠不得不带着两个肿块度过余生,并不时用帽子遮住他那光光的脑袋。