



美式发音: [beɪl] 英式发音: [beɪlz]




复数:bales  过去分词:baled  现在分词:bapng  搭配同义词

v.+n.bale Hay

adj.+n.straw bale





n.1.a large bundle or package of hay or a raw material such as cotton, tightly bound with string or wire to keep it in shape during transportation or storage2.evil or suffering3.a large quantity of something such as paper, cotton fibers, or hay tied into a large tight package for storing or sending somewhere

v.1.to gather and fasten material or goods into bales2.to tightly tie a large quantity of something such as paper, cotton fibres, or hay in order to store or send it somewhere

1.包 Ag. Agreement 同意; bldg. bales ; c.w.t.;cwt. hundredweight 英担 ...

2.包件 backing 缓冲衬板 bales 包件 bamboo batten 竹条 ...

3.大包 ● boxes 盒装 ● bales 大包 ● barrels 桶装 ...

4.毛包 ASTM Clean Wool Fibre Present ASTM 净毛含量 Bales 毛包 Bale Numbers 包号 ...

5.贝尔斯 Beal 比尔 Bales 贝尔斯 Babcock 巴布科克 ...

6.捆骤雨侵袭,引发了歉收担忧。但据分析师估计,损失大约在5-15万(bales)左右;与美国农业部预估德州总产量─890万捆─ …

7.包装的外形可分为包据包装程度的不同,分为全部包装和局部 包装 包装的外形可分为包(Bales)、箱(Cases)、桶 (Drums)、袋(Bags)、篓、筐(B…



1.He took his revolver and began to shoot at the pile of cotton bales.他拔出左轮手枪,开始朝那堆棉花包射击。

2.the woman walked forward among the boxes and bales of the lower deck , and , sitting down , busied herself with chirruping to her baby.那妇人家从下层甲板上的货箱和棉花包中向前走去,最后坐定下来,唧唧喳喳地忙着哄她的娃娃。

3.Central government's order, to register overseas sales of cotton yarn along with that of cotton bales, has puzzled the exporters.中央政府对销售到海外的棉花棉纱必须以包的形式出口的决定已经困惑着出口商。

4.Bales of cashmere may be sold only after being inspected by a professional fabric inspection agency of a technical supervision department.成包羊绒须经技术监督部门专业纤维检验机构检验后方可出售。

5.The building method uses straw bales that rest on a foundation of gravel encased in clay cement; the walls are made of bamboo.这种建筑方法是把秸秆草砖放在粘土水泥围住的沙砾地基之上;墙壁是用竹子制成的。

6.But the most agonizing song is the song of the coopes who bring the great bales from the junk up the steep steps to the town wall.然而最令人难受的却是苦力的歌,他们背负着船上卸下的大包,沿着陡坡爬上城墙。

7.The walls are made of tightly packed straw bales held together with bamboo pins and covered with fishing nets.竹针和渔网紧包稻草包用以筑墙。随之在这些上面覆盖一层黏土质的石膏。

8.Now there is new evidence to suggest that houses built with bales of straw can be very strong. They are also environmentally friendly.现在,新的证据表明,用稻草做的房子非常坚固,对环境也更好。

9.The bales in this field near Sterpng are of good quapty and less pkely to produce this disease.田野中标准捆包,质量好,就很少发生种此病。

10.If the marks are not clear, all the expenses arising from sorting the mixed mark bales shall be borne by the Seller.若唛头不清,由此而产生的混唛理货费由卖方承担。