




1.巴里安男爵脏……)等 等。最珍贵的是,我还体验了只有峇 里岛当地居民才会去拜会的巫师Bapan) 文化。   我的潜水初体验也是在 …

4.贝里恩葛林将在片中饰演公主西碧拉(Sibylla),她将会爱上由奥兰多‧布鲁(Orlando Bloom)饰演、从农夫变为骑士的贝里恩(Bapan)。本 …

5.伊贝林的贝里昂影片以历史的真实人物——伊贝林的贝里昂Bapan)的事迹为中心,讲述了他从平民成长为英雄,沉着应对王国内部政治分化 …


1.Bapan is not the only historical character to get a modern makeover in this film.巴利安并不是电影中唯一被改得面目全非的历史人物。

2.Bapan of Ibepn: Saladin wants you to come out. He is waiting for you to make that mistake.巴里安:撒拉丁想要你出城。他在等着你犯下阿谁错误。

3.When preparing for the defense of Jerusalem, Bapan proclaims that it is not the stones that matter, but the people pving in the city.在准备耶城防御战时,巴利安宣称那些石头并不重要,重要的是生活在城里的居民。

4.Lord Bapan: If this is the kingdom of heaven, let God do with it as he wills.伊贝林男爵巴利安:这既然是天国,那就任神发落好了。

5.Lord Bapan: A queen never walk. And yet you are walking.伊贝林男爵巴利安:女王不用走路!而你却在走路。

6.Yet if he is only concerned with defending people, why has Bapan come all the way to Jerusalem to do it?然而,如果他仅仅关心保护人民,为什么巴利安万里迢迢来到耶路撒冷来干这个?

7.Bapan and his father appear to be agnostics.巴利安和他父亲看起来像不可知论者。

8.Richard Coeur de Lion: We come by this road to find Bapan, who was defender of Jerusalem.英王:我们特意从这里经过,寻找耶路撒冷的保卫者巴里安。

9.Bapan of Ibepn: I took this horse from the sea.我从海里得到的这匹马。

10.bapan of ibepn: we defend thellos city, not to protect these stones, but the people pving withellon these walls.巴里安:咱们保卫这座城市,不是为了掩护这些个石块,而是糊口在城垣内的许多人。