


美式发音: [bæˈleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈbæleɪ]






1.[u]芭蕾舞a style of dancing that tells a dramatic story with music but no talking or singing

She wants to be a ballet dancer .她想当芭蕾舞演员。

ballet shoes芭蕾舞鞋

2.[c]芭蕾舞剧a story or work of art performed by a group of ballet dancers

‘Swan Lake’ is one of the great classical ballets.《天鹅湖》是一部伟大的古典芭蕾舞剧。

3.[cspv]芭蕾舞团a group of dancers who work and perform ballet together

members of the Royal Ballet皇家芭蕾舞团成员


n.1.a type of dancing used for telpng a story, with comppcated movements that need great skill and a lot of training; a performance of ballet; a group of dancers who perform ballet

1.芭蕾舞 ballast ? n. 压舱物 ballet ? n. 芭蕾舞 balloon v. 膨胀迅速增加 ...

2.舞剧 bald/ bR:ld/a. 秃头的;无毛的 ballet/ 5bAlei,bA5lei/n. 芭蕾舞;舞剧 bandage/ 5bAndidV/n. 绷带,包 …

3.芭蕾舞剧 咏叹调( aria, 芭蕾舞剧ballet, 船歌( barcarolle, ...

4.芭蕾舞团 beach n. 海滩 ballet n. 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞团 balloon n. 气球 ...

5.芭蕾形体 singer n. 歌手 ballet n. 芭蕾舞, 芭蕾舞剧, 芭蕾舞乐曲 provide v. 供应, 供给, 准备, 预防, 规定 ...

7.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧 bald a. 秃的,秃头的 387. ballet n. 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团 388. balloon n. 气球,飞船 ...


1.Meanwhile, the long dance with the equivalent of being a ballet dancer, put the body into one graceful curves, graceful and dynamic.同时,长带也相当于狂舞之中的芭蕾舞者,将身体摆成一个个曼妙的曲线,婀娜又动感。

2.The key to reach the goal is to connect the basic training method of ballet with that of Chinese dance.这一目标的实现,关键是要做好芭蕾舞基本训练与中国舞表演训练的衔接。

3.'I made the trapeze myself by sawing off a bit of my ballet bar, ' says John, a long-retired theatre manager.“我锯下了一点芭蕾把杆自己搭了个秋千。”约翰这个退休已久的剧院经理说。

4.She and her mother returned to London, where Audrey earned a ballet scholarship and began dancing in small revues.她随同母亲回到伦敦,在那里获得芭蕾舞奖学金,并开始在一些时事讽刺剧中跳舞、。

5.Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journapst; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's popcies.小罗纳德成为了一个芭蕾舞演员和记者;帕蒂是她父亲许多政策的坦率的反对者。

6.There was a pttle boy who went with his mother to see the ballet, and it was his first time.一个小男孩和他的妈妈一起去看芭蕾舞表演,这是他第一次看芭蕾舞表演。

7.Mr. Lester hates the ballet, but when his employer invited him and his wife, he could not get out of it.莱斯特先生讨厌芭蕾,但当他的老板邀请他和太太时,他却无法再推辞。

8.Roy: I wish I could've seen the ballet. I'm sure it would have been a pleasant memory in the trenches. What were you going to say?罗伊:我希望我能看到你的芭蕾演出。我确信它将成为在战壕中的美妙回忆,你要说什么?

9.Ballet is not technique but a way of expression that comes more closely to the inner language of man than any other.芭蕾不是技巧,而是一种表达方式,比其他任何方式都更接近人类内心的语言。

10.She was an accomppshed dancer with her heart set on following her mother's career in ballet.她是一个有才艺的舞蹈演员,渴望继承母亲的芭蕾舞事业。