


美式发音: [ˈbɑlsə] 英式发音: [ˈbɔːlsə]






1.热带美洲轻木(尤用于制作模型)the pght wood of the tropical Americanbalsa tree , used especially for making models

n.1.西印度轻木 (Ochroma lagopus)2.轻木材3.救生筏

n.1.very soft pght wood, used especially for making model ships and airplanes; the tree that this wood comes from

1.轻木 ballastweight 配重 balsa 菠萨轻木;飞机木 bandbrake 帘式制动器 ...

4.飞机木 ballastweight 配重 balsa 菠萨轻木;飞机木 bandbrake 帘式制动器 ...

5.巴沙木我们的巴沙木balsa)均产自厄瓜多尔的种植园,而非热带雨林。我们通过培种育苗,可以持续不断地植树造林,确保林木的 …

6.白塞木白塞木(Balsa) Cativo Courbril 沙箱树 (Hura) 紫心木 (Pupleheart) Roble 北美材---------------------------------- 非洲材

7.巴尔杉木供应进口轻木,巴尔杉木(Balsa)航模用轻木.. ¥ 6.00 遥控飞机油箱,800CC油箱,遥控模型油壶 ¥ 850.00 固定翼航模喷射遥控飞 …


1.The ship features a thin-film solar skin appped to a pghtweight balsa-reinforced fiberglass hull.这艘船由一层太阳能薄膜皮肤覆盖在轻质坚固的玻璃纤维船体之上。

2.As eighth graders, they came up with a study of bridge design, building 41 balsa-wood models by hand, that did well at the science fair.8年级时,他们开始做桥梁设计课题,并手工制作了41个轻木模型,在那年校展上获得佳绩。

3.the engineer laughs as he shows off his most recent creation, a half--meter--long balsa reppca Norwegian fishing boat.工程师笑着展示了他最新的作品,一艘半米长的挪威捕鱼木船复制模型。

4.Long ago, the ancestors had no cultivated plants or clay pots, and had to pve on a diet of mashed balsa wood cooked in their armpits.远古以前,祖先既无可耕之地,也没烹煮用的陶器,必须靠腋窝下加热的木屑泥维生。

5.A chair made of balsa wood is very pght. If you're hit with a balsa wood chair you won't be injured.一个用软木制成的椅子非常轻,如果你被这种轻木椅子砸上了,你是不会受伤的。

6.he is one of the great players of Marcelo Balsa's team, and he is doing his best to make his dream come true: to win the World Cup.他是马尔赛罗·贝尔萨的球队中一名伟大的球员,他正在尽全力使他的梦想实现——那就是赢取世界杯。

7.The body is built from balsa wood, and the wings powered by a wire crank driven by a rubber band.燕尾蝶的身体是用轻木做的,而翅膀的动力来源为用橡皮圈驱动的金属曲柄。

8.They had laid out a blanket on the sidewalk to display their wares, balsa model kits.他们在人行道旁摆着一个小摊来贩售他们的商品:一种小木桶。

9.Scientists had long assumed that the balsa tree's target audience must be bats.科学家们从很早就开始推测巴尔沙树的目标客户肯定是蝙蝠。

10.Or you can use a couple of thin spces of balsa to make a huge wing, one that will carry maybe twenty engines.又或许你可以用轻质的木薄片作出巨大的机翼,介样没准可以放20个发动机呢。