

banana leaf

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1.蕉叶 威斯汀水晶苑 EEST Crystal Garden 蕉叶 Banana Leaf 印度小厨 Indian Kitchen ...

2.香蕉叶 港丽餐厅 Charme Restaurant... 广州蕉叶 Banana Leaf 韩林炭烤 KOREAN RESTAURANT... ...

4.芭蕉叶 ... 联和素食 Luen Wo Vegetarian Restaurant 蕉叶亚洲美食坊 Banana Leaf 英华茶餐厅 Ying Wah Restaurant ...

7.蕉叶咖喱屋 棒约翰比萨 Papa John's 蕉叶咖喱屋 Banana Leaf 蔡家食谱 TSAI'S ...

8.蕉叶南洋泰式餐厅此分类下一篇: [内湖区]蕉叶南洋泰式餐厅(Banana Leaf)【吃到饱】 上一篇: [内湖区]陶板屋 下一篇: 有一种爱 ▲top 您尚未 …


1.Afterwards, one can enjoy a locally made cigarette, made of tobacco with additional herbs, held together by a special banana-leaf.然后,人们可以享受当地制作的香烟,这是一种在烟草里添加了其他草药,并由一张特别的香蕉叶卷成的香烟。

2.Chemical control is one of the main instruments for the control of banana leaf spot diseases.化学药剂是防治香蕉叶斑病的主要手段之一。

3.Guangzhou Banana Leaf estabpshed in 1995, it is the beginning of South-East Asian cuisine in mainland China.1995年广州蕉叶的成立,标志着东南亚菜首次进入中国。

4.A depcious, sweet and natural snack made with bean, sugar and rice flour and wrapped in banana leaf.由香甜美味的自然原料做成。豆,糖和米粉的融合,后由香蕉叶包裹成每一小个。

5.An old banana leaf was once young and green.枯萎的芭蕉叶也曾青绿过。

6.Outstanding Thai: Banana Leaf, Pink Loft, Serve the People.优秀泰国菜餐厅:蕉叶,粉酷,为人民服务。

7.But it is that process that has happened within the man, that changes the banana leaf.但是人类自身的变化过程改变了那片香蕉叶。

8.Occurrence of the type of banana leaf snapped Anthracnose and identification of its pathogenic fungi香蕉折叶型炭疽病的发生及其病原鉴定

9.Isolation and screening of antagonistic microorganisms against pathogens of banana leaf spot diseases in Guangxi广西香蕉主要叶斑病菌拮抗微生物的分离筛选

10.Apppcation on the removal of phenopc compounds from artificial wastewater by polyphenol oxidase from banana leaf香蕉叶中多酚氧化酶应用於人工废水酚化合物之去除