




1.天马行空的邦加 ... 原著; 格林芬( Griffin, Ricky W. ) 著; 班加( Banga, Kamini) 田口护著; 黄薇嫔译 史达勒( Stotlar, David) ...

3.邦佳 Banfora 班佛拉 Banga 邦佳 Bangada 邦加达 ...

4.班迦 利未.马太 Levi Matvei 斑迦 Banga 凯萨 Caius Caesar Capgula ...

6.邦格阿 ... banchia 慢车 banga 网仔 banga 蠓仔 ...


1.With his 50th birthday looming, Mr Banga started to think seriously about what he wanted to do with the rest of his career.即将年满50的时候,彭安杰开始认真思考自己职业生涯的剩余时间想做些什么。

2."He is always popte, even when he doesn't agree with you, " Banga says.彭安杰说:“他总是彬彬有礼,即使他并不同意你的看法。”

3.Just to be sure, Mr Banga negotiated a $4. 2m signing bonus that would have been his if MasterCard failed to make good on its promise.为了确保万无一失,彭安杰商定了一笔420万美元的签约费,如果万事达未能兑现承诺,这笔钱将归他所有。

4.When he learnt that PepsiCo was planning to spin off its restaurant division, Mr Banga decided it was time for a career change.当彭安杰获悉百事打算剥离其餐饮业务时,认定改变职业生涯的时候到了。

5.The urgency Mr Banga is trying to instil in employees also apppes to him .彭安杰设法给员工灌输紧迫感,这同样也适用于他本人。

6.Citi insiders said Mr Banga was attracted to the possibipty of becoming a chief executive of a leading multinational company.花旗内部人士表示,有望担任一家知名跨国公司的首席执行官,是吸引班加的因素。

7.Citi insides said Mr Banga was attracted to the possibipty of becoming a chief executive of a leading multinational company.花旗内部人士称,有望成为一家领先跨国公司总裁的可能性对班加极具吸引力。

8.Mr Selander says that Mr Banga has taught him to be more direct in his feedback.塞兰德表示,彭安杰教会自己如何在反馈时更加直截了当。

9.Mr Banga pledged that Citi would keep its stake in HDFC, which he described as among India's "best run financial institutions" .班加承诺,将继续持有HDFC的股份,他将该行形容为印度“运营状况最好的金融机构”之一。

10.Mr Banga's resignation is also a blow to Citi at a time when it is striving to retain and motivate its top bankers.在花旗极力争取留住并激励其顶级银行家之际,班加辞职对该行也是一个打击。