



美式发音: [ˈbæŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈbæŋkə(r)]



复数:bankers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.central banker,senior banker,former banker,private banker,western banker

v.+n.lead banker

n.bank manager,investment banker,merchant banker,financier



n.1.someone who has an important position in a bank or other financial organization

1.银行家 ... 14.Liang Congjie 梁从诫 15.Bankers:Don't Fret 银行家们:别着急 16.Bevefidge's Children 贝弗里奇的孩子 …

3.银行职员 ... 28.steel workers: 钢铁工人。 29.bankers银行职员;银行家。 30.street vendo…

4.银行人员 7-1 Artists 艺术家 7-2 Bankers 银行人员 7-3 Doctors 医生 ...

5.捐助者们ickstarter 自发布后就成为一个热门话题,捐助者们( bankers )慷慨解囊帮助那些年轻人们,众多追梦人在 Kickstarter 上筹集 …

6.赌神 Blood_ 最后的吸血鬼 BANKERS 赌神 BLAN 的餐桌 ...

7.银行端 ... 教师 teachers 银行从业人员 bankers 商人 bussiness man ...


1.The country's dishonest bankers and shady mortgage-brokers never seem to be touched by economic cycles that grind other Americans down.(然而)该国狡诈的银行家和黑幕之后的货款中间人似乎从未像其他人那样,被经济周期的巨轮碾得粉碎。

2.The proposal was the buzz among the assembled central bankers as they focused on how to deal with the next cycle.这一提议正被聚在一起关注如何应对下一轮危机的央行官员们议论纷纷。

3.Since the draft regulations came out last month, bankers have been warning that it would hit liquidity from equities to corporate bonds.自上月沃克尔规则草案公布以来,银行家们一直在警告,从股票到企业债券,市场流动性都会受到冲击。

4.But all of this noise and fury, it seems to me, is dancing around the same question: are London's investment bankers paid too much?所有这些反对的噪音和愤慨,在我看来,它围绕着同一个问题:是否支付给了伦敦投资银行家们太高的薪水?

5.'It would have been impossible, ' he said, 'to say to bankers, we're not going to participate . . . and expect to have any people left. '他说,一方面跟银行家们说我们不会参与,另一方面又指望留人,那是不可能的。

6.But just because investing in railways is seen by bankers as something of a political task does not mean they are throwing their money away.但不能仅仅因为银行家将投资铁路视为某种政治任务,就意味着他们在把钱往水里扔。

7.As a dozen bankers awaited an important meeting with him, he retired to his bedroom, lay in bed, and shot himself in the heart.在十几个银行家等待与他见面的当口,他回到卧室,上了床,对着自己的脑袋开了枪。

8.How much can the central bankers do?那中央银行能做什么呢?

9.Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, is among the world's most influential central bankers and leading policy economists.英国央行行长默文•金(MervynKing)是全球最有影响力的央行行长之一,也是一位一流的政策经济学家。

10.Some argue that the market has learned its lesson, although even the bankers do not sound all that convinced.尽管甚至银行家都无法确信,一些人称市场已经吸取了经验。