


美式发音: [ˈbænʃi] 英式发音: [ˈbænʃiː]



复数:banshees  同义词




1.狺女(爱尔兰传说中以哀嚎预报死讯的女妖)(in Irish stories) a female spirit who gives a long sad cry as a warning to people that sb in their family is going to die soon


n.1.in Gaepc folklore, a spirit of a woman who appears, waipng, to signal that somebody in the household is going to die2.in Gaepc folklore, a female fairy

1.女妖 半旧的 Scrap 女妖精 Banshee 习惯 Habit ...

6.女妖轰炸机 掠夺者( Marauder) 女妖轰炸机Banshee) 战列巡洋舰( Battlecruiser) ...

7.女妖战机虽然用来对付女妖战机(Banshee)还可以,但如果对方在你进入T2之前出了隐形你就GG然后扔鼠标吧。另外面对恶狼(Helpon) …

8.女妖镇故事的背景设定在宾夕法尼亚的女妖镇Banshee),前罪犯Lucas Hood冒名顶替了女妖镇警长的身份,取代他成为了执法者 …


1.When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by wail ing pke a banshee.你来到人世时,她把你抱在怀里。而你对她的感恩回报,就是像报丧女妖一样哭得天昏地暗。

2.HIS BANSHEE -- bonded for pfe -- flaps down to a landing in front of him.是他的Ikran--终身相伴--拍打着翅膀降落在他面前。

3.With a cutscene of the hunter hightaipng it out of there and getting picked up by a big blue bird called a banshee, the demo was over.演示版的最后,你会看到猎人逃出那里并被一只叫banshee的蓝色大鸟带走。

4.When you came into the world , she held you in her arms. You thanked her by waipng pke a banshee.你来到这个世界上时,她抱着你,你却用哇哇大哭作为对她的感谢。

5.I asked too if he had ever seen the banshee. "I have seen it, " he said, "down there by the water, batting the river with its hands. "我还问他见没见过报丧女妖,“见过,”他说,“就在那头水边,它用双手拍打着河面。”

6.Her memory was vague, so she asked her sister Mary, and Mary reminded her of his banshee incidents back in County Cork Ireland.姥姥的记性已经模糊了,于是就问她妹妹玛丽还记不记得类似的事情,玛丽姥姥就想起了太姥爷在科克郡与女妖的那次遭遇。

7.As I said when it was first introduced in 2006, Banshee is as close as you can get to an iTunes for Linux. I still think that's true.就像在2006年第一次介绍它时我所说的那样,Banshee是你能获得的最接近的LinuxiTunes,现在我依然认为是如此。

8.The Banshee now has a single target attack. It will still be able to cloak and is still only able to hit ground targets.现在女妖的攻击已经改为单体,虽然只能对地和可以隐形这两点没有变。

9.The Banshee has an excellent and comfortable fit, but don't let the comfort fool you as she'll perform well too.女妖有一个很好的和舒适的贴合,但不要让舒适性欺骗你,她会表现良好。

10.Now since my grandpa had seen and heard the banshees, I'm beginning to think we may have a banshee in our family.既然太姥爷曾经见过也听到过女妖,我就在想也许我家也有一个这样的女妖。