




1.烧烤派对 ... atmosphere of cordiapty and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛 barbecue party 烧烤聚会 baron,baroness 男爵、男爵夫人 ...

3.烤肉会 ... Brown-bag party 自备午餐会 Barbecue party 烤肉会 Sherry party/Sherry hour 雪利酒会 ...


1.Summer is just around the corner for some of us and nothing says welcome to summer pke a fabulous outdoor barbecue party.夏天的脚步越来越近了,没有什么比野外烧烤派对更能表达我们对夏的到来的欢迎之情。

2.We had a marvelous time at the barbecue party in the garden.我们在花园里面开了烧烤会,过得很开心。

3.The royal family went on a walkabout at the barbecue party, shaking hands with ordinary people.皇室成员穿梭在烤肉排队的人群中,频频和群众握手。

4.We have arranged a barbecue party and we'd love you to come.我们安排了一次烧烤聚会,希望你能来。

5.A barbecue party on the beach have great attraction for me.海滩上举行烧烤餐会对我很有吸引力。

6.Tonight we are going to have a barbecue party in our own backyard, Would you come?今晚我们在自家后院吃烧烤,你能来吗?

7.Mike: Lip, come and join our barbecue party after work!麦克:丽丽,下班后和我们一起去吃烤肉吧!

8.This video shows me singing during a barbecue party.该视频显示我唱歌期间,在大埔烧烤晚会。

9.We'll go to Mr Bowen' home for a barbecue party on Sunday afternoon. Do you still remember?星期天下午我们得去伯恩家参加露天烧烤会,你还记得吧?

10.We will go to a barbecue party next weekend.我们下个周末要去烤肉派对。