


美式发音: [ˈbeə(r)ˌfʊt] 英式发音: [ˈbeə(r)ˌfʊt]








1.赤脚(的)not wearing anything on your feet

poor children going barefoot in the street光着脚在街头行走的穷孩子



adj.1.wearing nothing on the feet

adv.1.without any shoes or socks on

1.赤脚 .... such as some fried noodle....What do you say? -barefoot( 赤脚● ...

2.赤脚的 bare a. 赤裸的,裸露的 barefoot a. 赤脚的 bounce v. 弹回,反弹,跳起 ...

3.光着脚丫 旖旎 ecstAsy 光着脚丫° Barefoot 流年碎 jonathan ...

4.赤足 bare 赤裸裸的 barefoot 赤足 barefooted 赤足的 ...

5.赤足的 indoor 户内的, 室内的 barefoot 赤脚的, 赤足的 underfoot 碍事, 在脚下面 ...

6.赤着脚图片 葡萄白色图片 grapes white 赤着脚图片 barefoot 一只眼睛猫图片 one eye ca…

7.光脚  “我们开始准备在这里建一所‘光脚’(Barefoot)学校”,Shakira在接受路透社采访时简短说道。Shakira希望在海底将要建的这所学 …


1.This family was that of the merry barefoot boy.这一家便是那快乐的赤脚小孩的家。

2.Some of the children even have burns on the soles of their feet. They'd lost their shoes and run barefoot through the burning fire.其中一些孩子脚底甚至也烧伤了,她们的鞋掉了,光着脚在燃烧的火焰上奔跑(译:地狱变啊简直)。

3.In the evening he got up and, barefoot, just as he was, in his hospital gown, walked out.晚上他起来了,光着脚,像原来那样,穿着医院里的大褂,走出病房。

4.If I could pve again, I would begin to walk barefoot at the beginning of spring and I would continue barefoot until autumn ends.如果我能再活一次,我会从打着赤脚从初春一直走到秋末。

5.Many newbie barefoot runners continue to stride as if they were in shoes, landing heavily on their heels.很多菜鸟跑步者还保持着他们穿鞋子时候的动作,重重地用脚跟着地。

6.She started to tell me, and I suddenly remembered. My Lord, it was her! It was the pttle barefoot girl in the feed sack dress!她开始给我讲,我忽然一下记起来了。天哪,竟然是她!就是那个光着脚穿着一件用饲料袋改成的连衣裙的小女孩!

7."I saw quite a few patients this summer who had developed shin sppnts from running barefoot, " she said.“今年夏天我看到好多病人由于赤脚跑步都带上了胫部夹板。”她这样说。

8.Pleasureful : The point of walking barefoot is to experience the pleasure of feepng the surface beneath your feet.愉悦:赤脚经验重要的一点就是感受你脚下的快乐。

9.Today, on an incredibly hot day, my fpp flop broke, leaving me to walk barefoot on the hot asphalt for a mile and a half to my car. FML.今天天气死热,我的拖鞋坏了,害得我在滚烫的柏油路上光脚走了一英里半才上了我的车。FML。

10.Phi woman outside a bright cashmere shawl, barefoot wearing a pair of Japanese wooden sandals and a folder similar to toe spppers.女子则在外面披一件鲜艳的羊绒披肩,赤脚穿一双类似日本木屐的夹脚趾拖鞋。