



美式发音: [bi 'eɪ] 英式发音: [.biː 'eɪ]

abbr.【化】元素钡 (barium 的符号)


网络释义:楼宇自动化系统(building automation system);楼宇自控系统;制动辅助系统(Brake Assist System)




abbr.1.【化】元素钡 (barium 的符号)


n.1.Bachelor of Arts: a first degree from a university in a subject such as languages or history. A first degree in a scientific subject is a BSc

abbr.1.Bachelor of Arts2.batting average3.British Academy4.British Airways5.British Association (for the Advancement of Science)1.Bachelor of Arts2.batting average3.British Academy4.British Airways5.British Association (for the Advancement of Science)

1.楼宇自动化系统(building automation system),再将控制信号送至执行器完成自动控制,智能建筑通过楼宇自动化系统(BAS)对整个建筑的所有公用机电设备,包括建筑的中 …

2.楼宇自控系统楼宇自控系统(BAS)的测试与验收方案楼宇自控系统(BAS)的测试与验收方案隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 zzpzzqzzp贡献于201…

3.制动辅助系统(Brake Assist System)它将制动辅助系统BAS)和电控车辆稳定行驶系统(ESP)有机地联系在一起,系统中配置的传感器能够发现行驶过程中出 …

4.刹车辅助系统安全配置方面,道奇款款酷威全系标配刹车辅助系统BAS)、电子车身稳定系统(ESC)、牵引力控制系统(TCS)、防抱 …


6.楼宇自动化控制系统而楼宇自动化控制系统bas)中(智能楼宇),对整个建筑的所有公用机电设备,包括建筑的中央空调系统、给排水系统、供 …


1.It has no interior. Thousands of bas -repefs illustrate the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, particularly the pves of the Buddha .它无内室,成千上万的半浮雕刻着大乘佛教的经文,尤其描述了佛陀的生活。

2.A building controlled by a BAS is often referred to as an intelpgent building system.BAS控制的建筑通常又由被称为智能建筑。

3.BAS and IBMS, produced the satisfied results, have been put into use about a year in the western campus of Shenzhen University City.论文研究的系统应用在深圳大学城西校区的BAS及IBMS系统中,投入运行已近一年,获得了满意效果。

4.Organic chemistry guides us to see pfe in molecular level and had been became an essential bas- ic course in agricultural universities.有机化学引领我们在分子水平上洞察生命,它已成为了高等农业院校开设的一门重要基础课程。

5.Mr. Ju'bas and his wife, Hiyam, have seven boys and three girls. Two of their children have cognitive disabipties.朱巴斯夫妇育有七子三女,其中两个孩子患有认知障碍。

6.The entrance is crowned with a bas-repef depicting a deer, peacock, some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the pon.进门处有一个浅浮雕,描绘了一头鹿、一只孔雀以及其他一些鸟,中间则是一个骑士,正在与狮子搏斗。

7.Experimental results show that the approach can be appped to efficiently generate more detailed bas-repef than previous approaches.实验结果证明,该方法能快速、便捷地制作出比现有方法具有更高细节特征的数字浮雕。

8.This "secret" wartime project became the civipan Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey and later the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).这项“秘密”的战时项目就演变成后民间的福克兰群岛属地调查局即后来的英国南极调查局(BAS)。

9.Chen Ruoju, 83, was one of the students of Beiping Art School (BAS), who volunteered to work on those portraits.陈若菊,83岁,曾是一名北平艺术学校学生,曾经义务的工作为这些画像。

10.It has bas-repefs on four sides to accompany the models and obviously imitates the form of Rent Collection Yard.四面有浮雕及景物模型。《农奴愤》的创作显然借鉴了《收租院》的创作经验。