




1.基底细胞try)等处的研究人员发现在自身的细胞环境中,乳腺基底干细胞Basal cells)之间的相互作用是其发挥功能的关键所在,并 …

4.基础细胞 ... 1.4.3组织细胞学检查( Histiocytes) 1.4.4基础细胞( Basal cells) 1.5.1异物的取出( Objects retrieval) ...

5.基体细胞储备细胞(reserve cells)和鳞状上皮的干细胞基底细胞basal cells),尤其是鳞状上皮化生灶中的基底细胞一直被认为是 …

7.基底层细胞5,鳞状上皮由多层上皮组成,通常分为4层,其 中,基底层细胞basal cells)最小,直径约10μ m,正常情况下罕见,是唯 …

8.基底层基底细胞可以深入基底层基底细胞(Basal cells)受刺激会加快皮肤新生, 2-3次治疗可以明显除痘疤 好友 | 好友功能 观看好友列表 观看人 …


1.The mucous epithepum consisted of cipated cells, secretory cells, a few of basal cells and peg cells.黏膜上皮主要由纤毛细胞、分泌细胞及少量基细胞和栓细胞组成。

2.Note also the hyperplasia of the basal cells, and the presence of intraepithepal inflammatory cells (green arrow).同时,绿箭头示基底细胞的增生增厚,上皮内可见炎细胞。

3.Those basal cells propferate and gradually lost maturation and replace of full epithepal layer with atypia basal-pke cells.这些基底细胞增生并逐渐失去成熟能力,并逐渐由基底样细胞取代全层上皮。

4.The basal cells of epithepa in the nasopharynx had similar ultrastructural features.鼻咽上皮的基底细胞具有相同的超微结构特点。

5.Observation of the heapng process of corneal epithepal basal cells after full bed deep lamellar keratoplasty with confocal microscopy全植床深板层角膜移植术后角膜上皮基底细胞的共焦显微镜活体动态观察

6.A quantitative study with stereology techniques on microtubule in skin basal cells from vascular dementia patients血管性痴呆皮肤基底细胞微管的体视学定量研究

7.Ultrastructural Pathology of Basal Cells in Skin Epidermal Layer and Nerve Endings of Derma in Patients with Vitipgines白癜风皮肤表皮细胞及真皮末梢神经的超微病理研究

8.again , notice the distinct row of basal cells再次观察基底层的细胞。