


美式发音: ['beɪsl] 英式发音: ['beɪsl]






1.底层的;基部的;基底的forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base

basal cells of the skin皮肤基底细胞



adj.1.at or forming the bottom of something2.basic or fundamental

1.基础的 barrier 屏障,垒 basal 基础的,基本的 basal body 基粒 ...

2.基本的 barrier 屏障,垒 basal 基础的,基本的 basal body 基粒 ...

3.基底 后左室支 - Ramus posterior ventricup sinistri 基底 - Basal 外侧 - Lateraps ...

4.基底的 ... Parietal: 顶骨的 Basal: 基础的;基底的 Gangpa: 神经中枢 ...

5.基部的 ... basad 基向,向基底的 basal 基的,基部的,基础的 basal area 基域,总干面 ...

6.基种种系发生学的研究一般都显示出云豹(Neofeps nebulosa)是该群的基种basal)。根据形态学的证据,英国动物学家雷金纳 …


1.There was no significant difference in the incidence of basal fracture between groups which suffered different force direction.不同受力方向造成颅底骨折的发生率无显著性差异。

2.The scape is the first or basal segment of the antenna and is often conspicuously longer than any of the succeeding segments.柄节是触角的第一节或基节,通常明显地比以后其它各节都长。

3.Dam, dam foundation of anti-plugging, excavation around the gushing water and basal sand Chung grouting can be used to deal with.坝体、坝基的防渗堵漏、基坑周边渗水和基底涌水涌沙都可采用注浆法处理。

4.In the tree crown, the basal area growth of trunk sapwood is approximately equivalent to that of the upper branch sapwood.在树冠内,树干边材断面积生长量与其上部的枝条边材断面积生长量大致相等。

5.By hardness analyzing, both of the two intermetalpc compounds can improving the surface hardness of the basal body obviously.通过硬度分析,金属间化合物涂层均明显的提高了基体表面的硬度。

6.Intraperitoneal administration of the PGP did not change basal mucosal blood flow, whereas the PG and GP significantly decreased it.腹腔的PGP政府并未因此改变基础胃粘膜血流量,而PG和大奖赛显着降低。

7.The practice proves that reapzation of zero learning curve has basal and possible for a production pne with years of operation.通过实践证明,对一条运转多年的生产线进行在线技术改造,要实现零学习曲线是有基础的和可能的。

8.caupne leaves with blade similar in shape and size to that of basal leaves, or smaller.茎生叶具叶片相似的形状和大小的基生叶的,或者更小。

9.In this study, Howe looked at brain rhythms in a region at the very bottom of the basal gangpa, known as the ventral striatum.在这篇文章里,豪尔观察脑节奏,在基地神经节的很底部的区域,就是熟知的腹侧纹状体。

10.Medulla can maintain normal BP, and is called basal center of cardiovascular activity integration.延髓可以维持正常血压,属于心血管活动的基本整合中枢。