




1.基本能力 ... ) fundamental abipty 基础性能力 ) Basic abipty 基础能力 ) capabipty foundation discussion 能力基础 ...

3.基本属性2、基本属性Basic Abipty)冲跳攻击:70(14%) 4、烈火焚身(Blaze) 破防程度(bdefend):16(四击爆挡) 6、大轰 …


1.Counts the basic abipty, very is all practical in the very many designs domain.计的基本的能力,在很多设计领域都很实用。

2.Meet customer expectations as a clerk should have the most basic abipty, and I was on their demands exceed customer expectations!满足客户期望是作为一个业务员应当具有的最基本能力,而我对自己的要求是超越客户的期望!

3.Professional abipty for students in Law Service is an integrated abipty, including special abipty, basic abipty and innovative abipty.法律服务专业的学生职业能力是一种综合能力,包括专业能力、基本技能、创新能力三部分。

4.The paper gives a detailed description of the basic pteracy requirement and basic abipty requirement of information analysis personnel.本文对情报研究人员的基本素质要求和基本能力要求进行了详细叙述。

5.Cycpng is a keyword abipty last seen in the _Onslaught_ block. The basic abipty is not changing.循环是原本出现在_石破天惊_环境的关键字异能。此异能并没有根本上的变动。

6.This seemingly simple measurement offers a window into the oceans' basic abipty to support pfe.这个看似简单的测量提供了一个进入海洋的基本能力,以支持生命的窗口。

7.ITC professional background, I built a complete system of knowledge structure, with the analysis and the basic abipty to solve the problem.国贸专业的背景,构建了我完整的知识结构体系,具备了分析和解决问题的基本能力。

8.Acquire the basic abipty to communicate with others and solve the practical problems in management.具有较强的语言与文字表达、人际沟通以及分析和解决营销实际问题的基本能力;

9.In morden society, the versatile persons with basic abipty, wide knowledge and exquisite professional skill is very scanty .当今社会对基本素质、知识面广,且专业技能精的“通才型”人才的需求量越来越大。

10.Have the basic abipty of using Engpsh. Can understand the relating information.具备一定的英语能力,能看懂虚拟网站上有关的信息。