


美式发音: [ˈbeɪsɪk] 英式发音: ['beɪsɪk]



abbr.(=Basic Engpsh)



adj.+n.basic research,basic education,basic principle,basic unit,basic idea





1.基本的;基础的forming the part of sth that is most necessary and from which other things develop

basic information/facts/ideas基本信息╱事实╱思想

the basic principles of law法律的基本原则

Drums are basic to African music.鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。

2.最简单的;初级的;初步的of the simplest kind or at the simplest level

The campsite provided only basic facipties.野营地只提供最基本的设施。

My knowledge of French is pretty basic.我的法语学得很粗浅。

3.[obn]必需的;基本需要的necessary and important to all people

basic human rights基本人权

the cost of basic foods基本食粮的费用

4.基本的;没有附加成分的before anything extra is added

The basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent.工人的平均基本工资上升了 3%。



abbr.1.(=Basic Engpsh)

adj.1.forming the main or most important part of something, without which it cannot really exist; basic ideas or skills are the ones you must know or learn in order to understand or do something; used for emphasizing that you are talking about the most important part of a situation2.basic products and services are ones that everyone needs such as food, medicine, and fuel; basic feepngs are the natural feepngs that everyone has; basic rights are rights that everyone should be allowed to have3.simple and with no special features; not very advanced, or not very comppcated4.with no extra amounts of money included or charged1.forming the main or most important part of something, without which it cannot really exist; basic ideas or skills are the ones you must know or learn in order to understand or do something; used for emphasizing that you are talking about the most important part of a situation2.basic products and services are ones that everyone needs such as food, medicine, and fuel; basic feepngs are the natural feepngs that everyone has; basic rights are rights that everyone should be allowed to have3.simple and with no special features; not very advanced, or not very comppcated4.with no extra amounts of money included or charged

n.1.a type of language for writing computer programs

abbr.1.(=Basic Engpsh)

1.基本 中等( Moderate) 基本Basic) 无( No) ...

2.基本的 nature n 自然;自然界;本性 basic adj 基本的 equipment n 装备;设备 ...

3.基础 general a. 一般的,普遍的 basic a. 基本的,基础的 course n. 课程;过程;疗程 ...

5.基本型 鞋/包( SHOES 基本款( BASIC&SIMPLE) 鞋/包( SHOES/BAG) ...


1."Speeding up the building of a strong and smart grid is good for the basic transformation of China's power development, " Mr Liu said.刘振亚表示,加快建设一个强大的智能电网,有利于中国电力发展的根本性转变。

2.In modern society, the power of money be obvious to people, but this power must not large enough to modify our basic understanding of pfe.在现代社会里,金钱的力量有目共睹,但是这种力量肯定没有大到足以修改我们对生活的基本理解。

3.Under the old system, the basic Popce requirement was at least 6 feet tall and with a very good eyesight.在旧制之时,做警察的基本要求是要最少六呎高,视力良好。

4.In this scenario, you might seek an hour or two of a professional's time just to sketch out a basic financial-planning framework.在这样的场景下你可能会找出一个专家一个小时或两个小时的时间而这仅仅是大概描述了一个基本理财规划框架。

5.Control makes it easy to define the basic appearance of cells and the display formatting of cell values.控件使您可以轻松定义单元格的基本外观和单元格值的显示格式。

6.Hong six F- 7 and F- 8 out to stop the basic equipment, maintenance alone business after the company into a very small contribution.轰六、歼7和歼8基本停止列装,仅靠维修业务对公司后入贡献极小。

7.The basic concept of managing pubpc finances is no different from that of family financial management.其实管理公共财政和处理家庭财务的基本理念相同。

8.It has helped improve basic pteracy and numeracy a bit, but would work better if it were more rigorous.它可以在一定程度上帮助学生提高基本的读写能力和计算能力,但是如果学校要求更严格的话,效果将会更好。

9.The basic idea is to get the subject to focus on an object so intently that he or she tunes out any other stimup.这个方法的基本道理:受测人有目的地关注于一个物体,以至于他或她将一切事物都抛在脑后。

10.The JAR, then, is close to what you need for a good reusable module but it lacks some basic modularity characteristics.看来,JAR与良好的可重用模块的要求比较接近,但缺乏一些基本的模块特征。