


美式发音: [ˈbeɪsɪs] 英式发音: ['beɪsɪs]



复数:bases  搭配同义词

adj.+n.scientific basis,sound basis,strong basis,permanent basis,same basis

v.+n.provide basis,change basis,build basis,constitute basis,undermine basis

n.foundation,base,root,source,starting point



1.[sing]原因;缘由the reason why people take a particular action

She was chosen for the job on the basis of her quapfications.她因资历适合而获选中担任这项工作。

Some movies have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.有些影片因暴力镜头过多而被查禁。

2.[sing]基准;准则;方式the way things are organized or arranged

on a regular/permanent/part-time/temporary basis以定期╱永久╱兼职╱临时性的方式

on a daily/day-to-day/weekly basis按每天╱每周一次的标准

3.[c][ususing][u]基础;要素;基点the important facts, ideas or events that support sth and that it can develop from

The basis of a good marriage is trust.美满婚姻的基础是信赖。

This article will form the basis for our discussion.这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。

The theory seems to have no basis in fact.这一理论似乎没有事实根据。


n.1.a particular method or system used for doing or organizing something; used for giving the reason why something is done; used for saying how often something happens2.the important ideas, facts, or actions from which something can develop

1.基础 REFER TO OUR TELEX 参阅我们的电传 BASIS 基础 BERTH TERMS 泊位条款 ...

2.根据 basic adj. 基本的 basis n. 基础,根据 basket n. 篮子 ...

3.基差 basin n. 盆,脸盆;盆地,流域 basis n. 基础,基底;根据;基准 basket n. 筐;篮; …

6.基本 → basically 基本上 → basis 基本,根据 bath 沐浴,洗澡 ...

7.基础,根据 basin 脸盆,盆;盆地 basis 基础,根据;主干 basket 篮,篓 ...


1.While net profits rose 14 per cent to $9. 4bn on a year-on-year basis, fourth quarter income was one-third that of the previous quarter.尽管中行全年净利润同比增长14%,至94亿美元,但第四季度的收益却只相当于上一季度的三分之一。

2.Trying to discern an animal's thought processes on the basis of its behaviour is notoriously tricky and subjective at the best of times.试图根据动物的行为洞悉它们的心理过程在情况最好的时候也是十分棘手且主观的。

3.Communication: Able to communicate with management or other business associates on a daily basis through emails, phone, fax, etc.沟通能力:具备通过电子邮件、电话和传真等现代通讯手段与管理层或其他商业伙伴每天进行交流、沟通的能力。

4.On the basis of that, this paper presents the theory of construction project optimization resources scheme.在此基础上形成了基于生产要素六元理论的建设项目资源优化配置理论。

5.A simple tool, and now we're beginning to understand the scientific basis for why it's important.这是一个简单的工具,我们现在开始了解为什么这样做很重要的科学道理。

6.Radiofrequency ablation is often done on an outpatient basis.射频消融术经常由门诊部完成。

7.As you know, our corporation a state-operated one. We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equapty and mutual benefit.我们公司是国营公司,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上进行外贸交易,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。

8.Then, whilst writing this article, I looked to the "basis for conclusion" (BC) in the standard for guidance on the matter.然后,写这篇文章的同时,我期望的结论,“基础”(公元前)在对这个问题的指导标准。

9.This sets it apart from the formidable competition that, in New York, seems to renew itself on an almost monthly basis.纽约城里那种可怕的竞争,那种几乎每月一次的改头换面,统统都会被抛在脑后。

10.Confirm that some of your regular income is going to a savings account on a monthly basis.保证你每月稳定收入的一部分会进入你的储蓄账户。