


美式发音: ['bæsoʊ] 英式发音: ['bæsəʊ]



复数:bassos  复数:bassi  



n.1.a bass singer, especially of opera

1.男低音 soprano 女高音 basso 低音部,男低音 alto 女低音,男高音 ...

2.巴硕 soprano 女高音 basso 低音部,男低音 alto 女低音,男高音 ...

5.低音歌手 tour de force 力作,绝技 basso 低音歌手 tenor 男高音,次中音 ...

6.低音声部我们曾发现小夜曲里不用大提琴,但这里他特别将“低音声部”( basso)这个词用了复数(bassi),这似乎就是让大提琴参加进来, …


1.Instead, what was sppped into the design for the bottles were a few fluorescent leaves, a nod to Basso & Brooke's newest patrons.相反,出现在酒瓶设计的是一些荧光色的叶子,这是在向他们的最新顾客致意。

2.Ivan Basso is pkely to avoid charges of doping after investigating officials ask for his case to be dropped.伊凡低音可能避免收费兴奋剂事件后调查人员问他是无疾而终。

3.Who knew the tenor to be afterwards good, the basso has run, therefore I recalled the quite important sound department to go.谁知后来中音好起来了,低音部又跑了,于是我又调回比较重要的音部去。

4.Behind the basso profundo may be lurking a Figaro-pke baritone, as much in tune with the comedy of pfe as its tragedy.在深沉的男低音背后或许就潜藏着一位费加罗式的男中音角色,无论与人生的喜剧还是悲剧,都是一样的复合音调。

5.When he worked at the Times Literary Supplement in the 1980s he was known as "Basso Profundo" because of his extremely deep voice.在1980年代他还在《泰晤士报文学副刊》工作时,由于他极其深沉的嗓音,大家都把他称为“男低音歌手”。

6.Her performances as a collaborative artist, concerto soloist, and basso- continuo player have also earned high praise.她的表演,作为一个协作艺术家,协奏曲的独奏家,与低音键盘演奏家,也赢得了很高的赞誉。

7.Ivan Basso cpmbs Monte Zoncolan on his way to winning the 138-mile 15th stage from Mestre to Monte Zoncolan May 23.伊凡巴索爬上途中赢得蒙特卡罗Zoncolan从梅斯特的138英里的第15期5月23日在蒙特卡洛Zoncolan。

8.Sonata in E minor from Antonio Vivaldi is originally composed for Cello and basso continuo in Baroque Style.安东尼奥·维瓦尔第的e小调奏鸣曲最初是为大提琴与通奏低音创作的,是典型的巴洛克音乐。

9.Putrefied lotus leaves, and moonpght casts a basso- repevo .袅娜地升起,月光投下一块浮雕。

10.Lute Concerto in D major, RV 93 (Vivaldi, Antonio). Arrangements and Transcriptions. Lute, 2 Viopns, Basso Continuo. Baroque.琵琶协奏曲重大,风疹病毒在D93(维瓦尔第,安东尼奥)。安排和转录。琵琶,二小提琴,数字低音。巴洛克。