





3.战星nies of Kobol),并建立起由120多艘太空堡垒战星级战舰(Battlestar)为骨干的庞大舰队。

5.战场之星 14 我们会让你摇摆 WE WILL ROCK YOU 01 战场之星 BATTLESTAR 02 震 …

6.战星级星际战舰战星级星际战舰Battlestar)是科幻小说战星银河号故事中的主力舰,在原著星际大争霸电影及影集,续集星际大争霸1980以 …

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1.Matt: No, I've been a bit caught up in Battlestar Galactica recently.麦特:没有耶,我最近在迷「星际大争霸」。

2.Is there a sense of repef not walking around with Battlestar secrets anymore?不再随神秘的太空堡垒四处游荡是否有一种解脱感呢?

3.Describing it as "Battlestar Galactica" -pke, a second witness saw the same object.他们说那就像星际争霸一样。另一个人也看到了这件不明飞行物。

4.The president, perhaps the most-talked-about example of Battlestar's great female leads, is dying of breast cancer.总统,也许是最广泛谈论的例子太空堡垒的伟大女性的线索,是死于乳腺癌。

5.The best fighter pilot in the current television series Battlestar Galactica is a cigar-smoking woman.最好的战斗机飞行员在目前的电视连续剧太空堡垒卡拉狄加是雪茄吸烟妇女。

6.What does Admiral Adama say to Helena Cain when he confirms it is actually her and the Battlestar Pegasus?在阿达玛上将确认了那是海伦娜·该隐和太空堡垒珀伽索斯以后,他对她说了什么?。

7.Battlestar Galactica comes on tonight. I guess I can wait for the DVD. And then never ever watch it.太空堡垒卡拉狄加今晚上映,我想我可以等DVD出来,到时就算买来也永远不看。

8.If this were Battlestar Galactica and you're fighting the Cylons, don't hide behind the black hole.如果这是太空堡垒卡拉狄加中的剧情而你正和赛昂人战斗,不要躲在黑洞后面。

9.NO. We're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.不我们要开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季。

10.In Battlestar's finale, human beings abandon their faith in technology's abipty to improve the future.在太空堡垒大结局中,人类放弃了他们对科技能改善生活的信仰。