


网络释义:行为分析小组(Behavioral Analysis Unit);鲍;石隆门


1.行为分析小组(Behavioral Analysis Unit)在线观看分类:恐怖 美丽的山脚下,坐落着一片宁静而安逸的私 …

2.鲍不同的神祗:宁吉尔苏(Ningirsu)和他的妻子Bau)、嘎图姆杜格(Gatumdug)、爱与战争女神伊南娜、宁吉什齐达 …

3.石隆门大家产生的影响而展开,编剧很可能会因此让潘提斯走出行为分析组BAU),不管是因为职位升迁还是潘提斯自己提出换个 …

5.建材展建材展」(BAU)及「慕尼黑国际营造机械 设备展」(bauma)闻名於世,并积极开拓海外展览市场,其中尤以在上海举办的bauma Chi…

6.Bus Access Unit由于总线访问单元BAUBus Access Unit)的系统程序已经为外部应用定义了外部消息接口EMI(External Message Interface)…


1.The BAU team investigates the mystery behind a trail of murders that all seem to apgn with the tour schedule of a rock star.BAU团队调查一起貌似符合摇滚明星巡回演出时刻表作案留下的尾巴让BAU们揪出来的神秘案件。

2.When a disturbed man kills several people at a pharmacy, the BAU must figure out what triggered his actions before he hurts anyone else.当一个感到不安的男子杀害了药店的一些人,BAU成员必须在凶手继续杀害其他人之前,找出到底是什么原因触发他杀人的动机行为。

3.Illegal immigrants entering the country are being targeted by a serial killer, so the BAU is called in.非法移民们入驻国家成为了连环杀手的杀害对象,故BAU团队被召集解决此案。

4.When vandapsm escalates into violence, the BAU must track down a pack of ensues who kill their victims for the thrill of it.当蓄意破坏事件逐渐上升到暴力杀人事件时,BAU团队必须追捕到这伙(三人)杀害受害者只为了追求刺激兴奋感的不明嫌疑人。

5.The BAU team must profile a serial killer covered in tattoos who commits suicide, but leaves clues to the whereabouts of his last victim.BAU团队必须侧写出被发现身刺纹身的连环杀手自杀身亡,却只留下他的上一个受害者下落的一丝线索。

6.A truck driver is kidnapping women and disposing of them in random locations and the BAU must find out his motive in order to catch him.一货车司机绑架妇女并在随机地点丢弃她们,BAU团队必须找出他的动机而抓住他。

7.Behavior analysis group (BAU) is through the research of criminal psychology for criminals and bring them to justice the FBI a branch.行为分析集团(BAU)是通过犯罪心理的研究对罪犯,并将其绳之以法联邦调查局一个分支。

8.With in creasing of the moisture, the nucleation rate of the green bau raises.生球成核率随着水分的增加而提高;

9.The BAU team are brought in to profile a serial killer who uses the internet and locates his victims on social networking sites.BAU团队被召唤来对一利用互联网来锁定拥有博客的当地受害者的连环杀手。

10.The BAU team investigates a rash of startpng teen suicides in a small Wyoming town.BAU团队调查发生于怀俄明州小城的涌现出的一群匪夷所思的青少年自杀事件。