




1.鲍曼 ... 名字: Baumann 姓: Jeremy 标 …

2.鲍曼恩除短期自由刑的主张。龙勃罗梭(C.Lombroso) 、李斯特(F.v.Liszt) 、柯罗尼(Krohne) 、鲍曼恩Baumann) 、奎塞尔(Q…

3.包曼 [分类] 叉车整机-特种叉车系列-板材专用搬运叉车 …

5.小流量阀 ... 流量阀1. flow valve 小流量阀1. Baumann 流量限制阀1. excess flow valve ...

6.控制阀 ... Asset Repabipty Services 资产可靠性服务 Baumann 控制阀 Big Joe 调压器 ...


1.She found a job as a saleslady at the Ludwig-Baumann furniture store in the Bronx and was able to hold it through the Depression.她在布朗克斯区的路德维格-鲍曼家具店找了份售货员的工作,并且靠这份工作度过了整个大萧条时期。

2.But retinoids are one of the skin-care ingredients that experts, including Baumann, recommend that expectant moms stay away from.但是类维生素A是专家们,包括Baumann建议准妈妈远离的护肤品成份之一。

3.Now (MRSA) and a new emerging emerging Gram-negative bacteria bacterium, which is called multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumann i.另外一种是新发现的革兰氏阴性细菌,叫多重耐药性鲍曼不动杆菌。

4.At that very moment, the doctor walked in and demanded, "Mrs. Baumann, what do you think you're doing? "这时,一位医生走了进来,问道:“鲍曼太太,你知道自己在干什么吗?”

5.Mrs. Baumann gasped. "And now he must be wondering why that strange lady kissed him! "鲍曼太太倒吸一口气。“他一定在纳闷,这素不相识的女人为什么会亲他!”

6.Steel products. Macrographic examination by sulfur print (Baumann method).钢铁产品.用硫印法进行宏观照相检查(鲍法)

7.But as Baumann's group shows, A. tesselata germ cells start with four sets of chromosome copies, not two.但是鲍曼的小组发现,A.tellesata的生殖(母)细胞在开始分裂的时候有四套染色体,而不是两套。

8.Based on the Schotten-Baumann condensation and by making some modifications, the new process has been developed.本文基于肖顿-鲍曼缩合法路线,改进其不足,开发了新的合成工艺。

9.Baumann puts your skin type on a cool bracelet!因为鲍曼博士说你的皮肤适合冷色系的手镯!

10."This is an elegant mechanism, " said Baumann.“这种机制非常精致。”鲍曼说道。