


美式发音: [bəˈzɑr] 英式发音: [bəˈzɑː(r)]



复数:bazaars  同义词

n.market,marketplace,souk,open market,flea market



1.(某些东方国家的)集市(in some Eastern countries) a street or an area of a town where there are many small shops

2.(英、美等国的)义卖(in Britain, the US, etc.) a sale of goods, often items made by hand, to raise money for a charity or for people who need help



n.1.a market, especially in the Middle East and South Asia2.a sale, especially of used goods, to raise money for a particular project or organization

na.1.The variant of bazar

1.集市 replacement 代替;替换 2. bazaar 市场;集市 15. retailer 零售商 3. ...

2.市场 replacement 代替;替换 2. bazaar 市场;集市 15. retailer 零售商 3. ...

3.时尚芭莎 《世界都市 i Taik》 《时尚芭莎 Bazaar》 《爱人 Airen》 ...

4.市集 ... ELLE 她 BAZAAR 哈泼时尚 Marie Claire 美丽佳人 ...

6.廉价商店 battle vi. 战斗 bazaar n. 集市,廉价商店 bead n. 有孔小珠;露珠 ...

7.义卖市场 banish vt. 流放, 驱逐, 消除 bazaar n. 集市,市场;义卖市场 besiege vt. 围困, 围攻, …


1.It was a very small village -- a weekly bazaar where people, just once in a week, they put in all the vats.那是一个很小的村子每周有集市在这一周一次的集市上人们会把东西都放到大染缸里。

2.And in the bazaar, Gulle Abbas, a dalai aged around 65, also said he would be the last of his kind.而在集市上,古尔勒•阿巴斯,一个65岁左右的达法利,也说他将是最后一个达法利了。

3.Soon afterwards my party and I started out on the final section of our trek, via Namche Bazaar and Lukla to Kathmandu, the trek's end point.随后不久,我们一行就踏上旅行的最后一段行程,取道那姆齐•巴扎和卢卡,到达旅行的终点加德满都。

4."He's a bad dude, " Chuck Hayes said. "If teams have to scout him for that, hey, that's bazaar man. "查克·海耶斯说:“他的中投太出色了,如果有球队一定要考察他中投能力的话,嘿,那他实在是太太太太出色了。”

5.One can test, debug and improve in bazaar style, but it would be very hard to originate a project in bazaar mode.你可以利用市集风格来测试、调试、改进代码,但是用这种风格来孕育一个项目会很困难的。

6.With a wave of his hand he would speak of a certain bazaar in Hyderabad.他把手一挥,谈起了海德拉巴帮的某个东方集市。

7.HAD Patrick Lavoie strolled down the main bazaar in Marja a year ago, locals would have greeted him with sniper fire and roadside bombs.若是在一年前,当帕特里克•拉沃伊走在马里加(阿富汗地名)的大集市上,当地人会用狙击火力和路边炸弹招呼他。

8.Many Han residents of Hotan said they were afraid to go near the area around the bazaar, and would not go out after sunset.和田许多汉族居民表示,他们害怕前往巴扎附近,日落之后就不出门。

9.At the request of miptary officials, The Times on Wednesday returned the flash drives it had purchased at the Bagram bazaar.的要求,军事官员,泰晤士报星期三返回闪盘收购了在巴格拉姆集市。

10.A bazaar is an oriental market-place where a variety of goods is sold. The word perhaps comes from the Persian word 'bazar'.东方国家的市场或集市,那里卖着各种各样的商品,此单词来源于波斯语。