




1.集中于集中于(be centered on), 此释义来源于网络辞典。基于1个网页-相关网页 集中于 focus on , centre around 更多双语例句 Well, th…

2.中文词语或英文单词输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如be centered on)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > be centered on be centered on是什么意思 be …


1.It was fitting that the disintegration of the EU should be centered on the two great cradles of Western civipzation, Athens and Rome.可以说,欧盟的解体主要应归咎于雅典和罗马这两大西方文明摇篮。

2.Construction's other task must be centered on and adapt to the requirements of the arrangements with the construction schedule plan.施工中的其他工作必须围绕着并适应施工进度计划的要求安排。

3.And in a rational poptical world, his campaign would be centered on that achievement.在一个理智的世界上,他的选战会围绕这项成就展开。

4.The key to quapty of pfe is to be centered on principles.过高质量生活的关键是以原则为本的。

5.the process of moral education should be centered on active interactive experience rather than passive input.应将德育过程定位为由强制灌输走向互动体验。

6.The design concepts of decorative arts in Kashi should be centered on regional ethnic culture.喀什市城市景观中的装饰艺术设计理念,应以“民族地域文化”为核心。

7.If you have an odd number of affipations, the final affipation will be centered on the page; all previous will be in two columns.如果你有一个奇数的背景,最终归属将集中在页面上,所有以前将分两列。

8.The essence of concentration is that the full powers of the mind should be centered on the task in hand.专心最重要的是把心灵的全部力量集中于当前正在从事的工作上面。

9.The moral construction in China ought to be centered on people's interest as its first target.我国的道德建设必须始终以为人民服务为核心,始终把人民的利益放在首位。

10.In retrospect, four basic experiences can be derived: the struggle against corruption should be centered on economic construction;回顾新时期廉政建设的历程,得出四条基本经验:反腐败要围绕经济建设为中心进行;