




1.贪婪ke a pig/hog of oneself 过分贪嘴,贪婪古今中外,猪所代表的形象都是嘴馋或没规矩。所以英文此条的意思就是过分馋嘴,

2.贪吃 ... 贪吃 be greedy Don't be greedy with the cookies. 别贪吃饼干。 ...


1.I don't think the doctors were trying to be greedy by pushing more treatments on my mother.我认为医生们正贪婪地强加给我妈妈很多疗法。

2.So he who would not exploit or contribute to the cause of war must cease to follow tradition, cease to be greedy, ambitious, self-seeking.因此不愿意剥削或促使战争的人必须停止追随传统,不再追随贪婪、野心、自我追逐。

3.It would be greedy to ask for other players because we're already blessed with some great footballers.我们总渴望得到更多球员也许是太贪心了,因为我们已经拥有了一些伟大的球员。

4.To be an invester in stock is a good choice for you, just remember one thing: take the risk, but do not be greedy.对你来说,试着做个股票投资者,是个不错的选择。只是谨记一件事:敢冒风险,却别贪婪。

5.Here, it is clearly spelled out that as an elder, pastor and spiritual leader, one must not be a lover of money. One must not be greedy.在这里非常清楚明确指出一个作长老牧师的,一个属灵的领袖必须不能贪爱钱财,不要贪心。

6.The first teaching of wisdom at the beginning of Proverbs is not to be greedy of gain.箴言开头所讲智慧的第一样训诲就是不可贪恋财利。

7.We've been conditioned to think small, simppfy, not to be greedy, and to overall expect less and demand less from pfe.我们习惯了自视卑微,简化问题,别太贪婪,总体上对生活的要求少一点。

8.We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.别人恐惧时,我们贪婪;别人贪婪时,我们恐惧。

9.Do not be greedy for unexpected wealth, do not drink beyond capacity.莫贪意外之财,勿饮过量之酒。

10.Or you can be greedy and grab for something new without wanting to give up what you already have.或者,你也可以很贪心,既不愿意放弃已经拥有的,又去捞取别的。