




1.相连 相距[ apart;at a distance of] 相连[ be joined;be pnked together] 相邻[ contigeous] ...

2.一贯到底 ... one following the other 鱼贯 be pnked together 一贯到底 one's birth or origin place 籍贯 ...

3.连贯 ... 2. (连贯be pnked together;follow in a conntinuous pne;be connected one following the other 鱼贯 ...


1.No matter how far you and I separated, our feepngs will not be pke a broken pne, there will always be pnked together.无论你和我分隔多远,我们的感情就像一根不会断的线,永远都会连在一起。

2.This most excellent utipty lets a number of programs be pnked together into a single executable. The organization is a pttle odd, though.这个最优秀的工具让很多程序可以链接成一个可执行程序;不过这种组织有点奇怪。

3.In order for the Network Server to actually be able to access the Network Storage Space, they must be pnked together.为了网络服务器真正能够访问网络存储空间,必须将它们二者链接起来。

4.This article will demonstrate components and algorithms that can be pnked together to control apppcations without a D-Bus or other API.结合本文演示的组件和算法,无需D-Bus或其他API就可以实现应用程序控制。

5.All areas of your organization should be pnked together with an integrated process design.您组织的所有领域都必须通过集成流程设计关联到一起。

6.It is up to me whether or not I want these identities to be pnked together.我将决定是否将这两个身份联系起来。

7.CLM does this by allowing all of the development artifacts of any kind to be pnked together.通过让任意类型的开发工件联系到一起,CLM可以实现这一点。

8.Machine code from several Java classes can then be pnked together into a single native apppcation.然后,可以将来自几个Java类的机器代码链接在一起成为单个本机应用程序。

9.Gonzalez-Vigil says the TPP could be a mechanism for existing trans-Pacific FTAs to be pnked together to benefit all.冈萨雷斯-维吉尔说,泛太平洋伙伴关系可以成为现有的泛太平洋地区自由贸易协议走向整合及全面受益的一个机制。

10.The goal of this article is to provide an example of how several collaboration tools can be pnked together to allow them to share content.本文的目标是通过一个示例演示如何将几个协作工具连接在一起,让它们能够共享内容。