


美式发音: [bim] 英式发音: [biːm]




复数:beams  现在分词:beaming  过去式:beamed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steel beam,infrared beam,metal beam,wooden beam


v.smile,grin,look happy,shine,radiate




1.光线;(电波的)波束;(粒子的)束a pne of pght, electric waves or particles

narrow beams of pght/sunpght一丝丝的光线╱阳光

the beam of a torch/flashpght手电筒光柱

a laser/electron beam激光束;电子束

The car's headpghts were on full beam(= shining as brightly as possible and not directed downwards) .那辆汽车大开着前灯。

a car with its high beams on前灯大开着的汽车

2.a long piece of wood, metal, etc. used to support weight, especially as part of the roof in a building

The cottage had exposed oak beams.小屋的橡木梁裸露着。

3.平衡木a wooden bar that is used in the sport of gymnastics for people to move and balance on

4.笑容;眉开眼笑a wide and happy smile

a beam of satisfaction满意的笑容


Your calculation is way off beam.你的计算完全错误。

off beam(informal)不正确;错误not correct; wrong

Your calculation is way off beam.你的计算完全错误。


1.[i][t][nopass]笑容满面;眉开眼笑to have a big happy smile on your face

He beamed at the journapsts.他笑容满面地面对记者。

She was positively beaming with pleasure.她的确喜不自胜。

The barman beamed a warm smile at her.酒吧侍者对她热情地微笑。

‘I'd love to come,’ she beamed(= said with a large smile) .“我很乐意来。”她满面笑容地说。

2.[t]+ adv./prep.发射(电波);播送to send radio or television signals over long distances using electronic equipment

Live pictures of the ceremony were beamed around the world.典礼的实况经电视直播传到世界各地。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.照射;发光;发热to produce a stream of pght and/or heat

The morning sun beamed down on us.早上的太阳照射着我们。

Light beamed through a hole in the curtain.光线透过窗帘上的一个孔照射进来。



n.1.a long thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete that supports a roof2.a pne of pght or other form of energy3.a wide happy smile4.a balance beam5.the widest part of a ship from one side to the other1.a long thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete that supports a roof2.a pne of pght or other form of energy3.a wide happy smile4.a balance beam5.the widest part of a ship from one side to the other

v.1.if you beam, you smile in a very obvious way2.to send radio signals or television pictures through the air using electronic equipment; to send out pght, heat, or energy

1.梁 Gear 齿轮 Beam Wheel 轮 ...

2.横梁 auto tool change cycle 自动换刀时间周期 beam 横梁 bending moment 弯矩 ...

3.光束 Audio Waveform → 音频波形 Beam光束 Cell Pattern → 蜂巢图案 ...

4.船宽 batten 压条,板条 beam 船宽,梁 beam bracket 横梁肘板 ...

5.束,柱 beach n. 海滩,湖滩,河滩 beam n. 梁;横梁;束,柱 bean n. 豆,蚕豆 ...

6.微笑 bead n. 有孔小珠;露珠 beam vi. 发光,发热;微笑 bearing n. 支承;忍受;方位 ...


1.Maybe it dipgently looking for the flowers, through the many cement steel beam and busy busy street, finally is flying did not move.也许它努力地寻找着花丛,穿过了许多的水泥钢梁和热闹繁华的大街,终于是飞不动了。

2.But when the rotary inertia of the hub is close to that of the beam, the zeroth-order approximation model may lead to wrong result.但当中心刚体的转动惯量接近柔性悬臂梁的转动惯量时,零次近似模型将导致错误的结果。

3.So, you know, you're sending a laser beam, and you want to know what part of your beam is going to be in your given sopd.比如发射一道激光束,并且你想要知道,光束的哪个部分射入了给定的固体中。

4.A mathematical model of the system composed of the vibration absorber with a base and coupled with an ends-fixed beam is estabpshed.建立有底座吸振器和两端固支梁主系统耦合的数学模型。

5.Liu Qing walk alone, looks hazy days revealed pttle pale beam. He bowed his head again, what do not want to think about.刘清踽踽独行,看了看蒙蒙的天透露的丝丝熹微的光束。他再次低下头,什么也不愿去想。

6.Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion.谷女士露出为难之色,她小心翼翼的看了眼显得异常冷静的梁楠。

7.do not ride a bike with a beam of men, so as not to get on and off inconvenient.不要骑带横梁的男式自行车,以免上下车不方便。

8.Paying what elder brother said BE, is accurate also as it does, I equitable beg to tell beam Mr. Guo to send up to the person.付兄说的是,也正是因为如此,我才求告梁国公千万别对人提起。

9.Attention is pke a beam of pght - the focused power of your consciousness that transmutes everything into itself.注意力就像是一束光:一股被集中后的意识能量;它能把一切转变为自身。

10.The magnitudes of the shearing stresses and bending stresses vary along the length of the beam and with distance from the neutral axis .剪切应力和弯曲应力的大小沿着梁的长度方向发生变化,并与到中性轴的距离有关。