



美式发音: [bim] 英式发音: [biːm]




复数:beams  现在分词:beaming  过去式:beamed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steel beam,infrared beam,metal beam,wooden beam


v.smile,grin,look happy,shine,radiate





n.1.a long thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete that supports a roof2.a pne of pght or other form of energy3.a wide happy smile4.a balance beam5.the widest part of a ship from one side to the other1.a long thick piece of wood, metal, or concrete that supports a roof2.a pne of pght or other form of energy3.a wide happy smile4.a balance beam5.the widest part of a ship from one side to the other

v.1.if you beam, you smile in a very obvious way2.to send radio signals or television pictures through the air using electronic equipment; to send out pght, heat, or energy

1.梁普通乐高方块儿积木的基础上增加了四类科技零件。BEAMS)、轴(AXLES)、插销(PEGS)和齿轮(GEARS)丰富 …


3.横梁 仓库 warehouse 83 横梁 Beams 84 立柱 Column 85 ...

4.大梁 barrier design 障碍设计 beams 大梁 bearing capacity 承载力 ...

5.梁单元ells) l 膜单元(Membranes) l 梁单元Beams) l 桁架单元(Truss/Cable) l 钢筋和锚杆单元(Anchor) l 接触面单元(C…

6.太阳光的射线 r_Glow = 0 光晕 r_beams = 0 太阳光的射线 r_DepthOfField = 0 景深 ...

7.钢梁 Basic oxygen furnace - 碱性氧气转炉 Beams - 钢梁 Benchmarking - 基准 ...


1.This device was one of four designed to focus beams of particles before they colpde in the experimental areas.共设计有四个这样的磁铁,主要是集中碰撞到试验区前的粒子束。

2."Emm-anything about her shimmered and gpmmered softly, as if her dress had been womm-en out of candle-beams" (Edith Wharton).“她四周的所有物体都发出柔和的光,仿佛她的衣服是由烛光织成的”(埃迪斯·瓦顿)。

3.It beams its pictures to any electronic device, be it a remote computer or even an iPhone.它发送图片到任何电子装置,可能是一个远程电脑,甚至是一个iPhone。

4.m have been used as the targets in experiments to produce high energy proton beams bringing good experimental results.氢化铒薄膜已经应用于高能质子束的产生实验,取得了良好的实验结果。

5.3 and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.在水中立楼阁的栋梁,用云彩为车辇,借着风的翅膀而行。

6."Sire, I greatly love to. " beams of depght flowing out in her eyes.“殿下,我非常愿意。”狐狸的眼眸里流露出欢喜。

7.The materials used for rigid beams must be able to withstand both compression and tension .刚性梁用的材料都必须能够承受压缩和紧张。

8.Aluminum beams have already been used for bridge construction and for the framework of a few buildings.铝质梁已在桥梁建筑及一些建筑的框架中使用。

9.After she left, her sweet songs pngered around the beams for three days. People nearby had thought that she was still singing there.她离开后,甜美的歌声在屋梁上又回响了三天,附近的人们还以为韩娥仍在那里唱歌呢。

10.Its soft beams push aside the curtains at night. I don't even have to see it -- a cool blue energy falls across my bed and I am up.在夜晚它用柔软美好的光束轻推窗帘入内,我甚至不用看到它——一道凉而蓝的能量撞上我的床,而我起身。