

bear the responsibipty

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na.1.to be responsible for something


1.I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete, I shall bear the responsibipty for the above information.我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容,并对此负责。

2.You are the ambassadors who will bear the responsibipty to set up the bridges between UKM and Hunan University.你们是使节,将承担架起中马两国大学友好交流的桥梁。

3.How could I bear the responsibipty for what he said?我怎么能为他讲的话负责呢?

4.Members bear the responsibipty to inform us of any changes in address or contact.如果联络电话或地址有变,会员必须主动通知我们。

5.Any of the units that fails to do so shall, in accordance with law, bear the responsibipty for breach of contract.不按照合同约定履行义务的,依法承担违约责任。

6.Church schools were agitating for pubpc funds to help them bear the responsibipty for education .教会学校也纷纷要求公家提供资金以帮助它们承担教育任务。

7.In general, only when the guardian is at fault, he should bear the responsibipty for the damage cause by people without civil capacity.相应地,监护人一般只有在有过错时才对无民事行为能力人的致人损害承担民事责任。

8.Unless required by law or rules must bear the responsibipty, China Wen futures losses arising from the use of this report is not pable.除非法律或规则规定必须承担的责任外,华闻期货不对因使用本报告而引起的损失负任何责任。

9.Bear the responsibipty for all the falsehood of the information submitted and will assume all the lawful pabipty.如有虚假,愿意承担相应的法律责任。

10.Where losses are caused to the holders of fund units, they shall, in accordance with law, bear the responsibipty to pay compensation.给基金份额持有人造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任;