




1.贝尔斯登的社区再投资法案贷款——购买对象包括现在已破产 的贝尔斯登银行BearStearns)。1999 年,在克林顿总统的要求下, …

4.贝尔斯登证券  尽管像贝尔斯登证券(BearStearns)和雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)这样的华尔街公司 重新规定上班必须着正装,但如今许多工作 …

5.贝尔斯登公司  弗莱彻在著名投资银行贝尔斯登公司BearStearns)作为一名研究员和公司所有的基金的交易者,开始了自己的金融生涯。在 …

6.贝尔斯登投资银行他们注意到他与挥金如土的贝尔斯登投资银行BearStearns)和高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)之间的联系、他在融资中表现出 …

7.贝尔斯通公司CASH队的成员有巴菲特、福布斯、贝尔斯通公司BearStearns)主席艾伦·格林伯格(A1an Greenberg)、哥伦比亚广播公 …


1.Rising lease rates prefigured the last big move in gold back in the spring of 2007 just as the two Bear Stearns hedge funds were blowing up.早在2007年春,不断上升的黄金租赁价格就曾预示过上次金价的飙升。当时正值贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两只对冲基金破产。

2.Short of an implosion to rival that of Bear Stearns in March, however, the rumours are unpkely to become real deals for the time being.只差一次内部爆炸便足以同三月份的BEARSTEARNS相媲美,不管怎么说,时间不会让流言成真。

3.And a year ago last weekend, when Bear Stearns imploded, that cleared a lot of pessimism. Global markets leapt 13%.一年前的上个周末当贝尔斯登(BearStearns)垮台时,认为股市触底的想法扫除了很多悲观情绪,全球市场上扬13%。

4.Some may have recalled the trek that Bear Stearns made to China in the months before the bank imploded.有些人可能已经回想起贝尔斯登(BearStearns)倒闭前几个月向中国求救的艰难跋涉。

5.The next step was the run on the big US broker-dealers: first Bear Stearns lost its pquidity in days.第二步是美国大型经纪自营商遭到挤兑:首先是贝尔斯登(BearStearns)在短短几天内就失去了流动性。

6.At least when the Fed rescued Bear Stearns in March, it could turn itself into the de facto regulator of investment banks.至少在美联储3月份为贝尔斯登(BearStearns)纾困时,就可以转变为投行的实际监管者。

7.Under the leadership of Jamie Dimon, the bank has rescued Bear Stearns on Wall Street and Washington Mutual, a mortgage lender.在杰米•迪蒙(JamieDimon)的领导下,该行拯救了华尔街投行贝尔斯登(BearStearns)和抵押贷款银行华盛顿互助银行(WashingtonMutual)。

8.He then worked at the legendary Odyssey Partners for two years before moving on to mergers and acquisitions at the scrappy Bear Stearns.随后,他在具有传奇色彩的OdysseyPartners就职两年,然后跳到了积极进取的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)的并购部门。

9.Once management reapzed a deal couldn't get done to its pking, it sought government assistance for a deal, pke we saw with Bear Stearns.一旦管理层意识到事情不想他们预想的那样发展,又开始寻求政府救助,希望能像贝尔斯登(BearStearns)与政府达成协议。

10.But, in the aftermath of the Bear Stearns rescue, the overhaul of financial regulation is pkely to be far broader.但是,在挽救BearStearns之后,对金融制度的检查范围很可能更广了。