

beer bottle

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1.啤酒瓶 beer barrel 啤酒桶 beer bottle 啤酒瓶 beer cabinet 啤酒柜 ...

2.啤酒瓶子图片 图片 cigarrettes 啤酒瓶子图片 beer bottle 摩托车越野赛预赛十字图片 moto cross ...

3.小酒瓶4. 从烤箱取出后放在小酒瓶(beer bottle) 内风乾至少三四天。5. 用 color marker 在眼鼻口处涂点颜色。


1.It is only when you turn it over and remove the protective cap that you see that it is a beer bottle, upside down!只有当您打开它并删除防护帽,你看,这是一个啤酒瓶,倒!

2.I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick pke glue and I can't use it.我留下了一点上次(杀戮)剩下的人血,存放在姜汁啤酒瓶里面,用来当墨水书写,但是它变稠了,就像胶水一样。我用不了了。

3.I knew that the local bottle shop gave ten cents for a beer bottle, so I decided to sell some bottles to get money for macaroni.我知道当地瓶店给十美分一瓶啤酒,所以我决定卖掉一些赚钱的通心粉。

4.It looked pke a German beer bottle with a ceramic plug, and there was a message inside.它看上去是个有陶瓷瓶塞的德国啤酒瓶子,而且里面有一封信。

5.After a minute, the guy grabs a beer bottle and bangs the gator on the top of its head.过了一分钟,这个男的抓起一个酒瓶朝鳄鱼的头砸去。

6.Justin: I don't know. When she opened the beer bottle with her mouth, I was a bit shocked.贾斯汀:我不知道。当她用嘴巴撬开啤酒瓶的时候,我有点吓到了。

7.That man was drunk and was swinging at everyone he saw with a beer bottle.那个人喝醉了,不管看到谁都挥动手上的啤酒瓶。

8.I was about to say Im not, but second later a beer bottle cracked my head, following with rigorous kicking.我刚要说我不是,一个酒瓶子就把我头打开了花。

9.It was on the roof of an ice-cream lorry, inside a space with height of one pint beer bottle.在冰激凌车的顶上,啤酒瓶高的空间里啊,横着躺着8个人--他们又重新坐上了去斯洛伐克的车。

10.Bury it in a tiny grave the size of a beer bottle?埋进一个啤酒瓶大小的袖珍墓穴?