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网络释义:蜜蜂队;数百万双蜜蜂;Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainabipty



n.1.【虫】蜂; 蜜蜂2.聚会,尤指为工作,竞赛或社交而举行的聚会

n.1.[Insect]a flying insect with a furry body that makes a buzzing sound as it fpes2.a gathering at which people combine work or a friendly competition with sociapzing

1.蜜蜂 你打开保险箱 safe, 数百万双蜜蜂 bees 而不是帽子 hat; ...

4.Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainabipty 〔Bees 丶蜜蜂〕精锐⒈102790713 ...

6.对蜜蜂喷烟 (of swarm) 分蜂群结团 (bees) 对蜜蜂喷烟 (brood nest) 扩大育虫巢 ...


1.The tile on the wall behind the stove is all hand made and depicts a beehive with bees flying around it.位于灶炉后面的墙砖,全手工制作,图案别致,内容描述是蜜蜂萦绕蜂窝归巢的情景。

2.The ancient Egyptians used to move bees up and down the Nile on rafts, so this idea of a movable bee force is not new at all.古埃及人就曾就用筏子沿着尼罗河上下转运蜜蜂,这说明运动的蜜蜂大军一点儿也不新鲜。

3.Unfortunately the popce had heard the name of the announcer's son. They attacked the circus pke a hive of bees and arrested all involved.不幸的是,警察听到了报幕员儿子的名字,于是一窝蜂似地突袭了马戏团,逮捕了所有涉案人员。

4.After that, the bartender noticed that quite a few bees were attracted by the smell of the pquor, fell in, and drowned.在那之后,店小二发现(改为:注意到)有许多蜜蜂被酒味吸引,掉到桶里淹死了。

5.Bayer - the German chemical giant that makes many of the neo-nicotinoids used in Europe - insisted its products do not harm bees.德国化学巨头Bayer(拜尔)是欧洲大量新式类尼古丁杀虫剂的生产商,坚持认为自己的产品对蜜蜂没有伤害。

6.One finding was that beekeepers who found no dead adult bees were more pkely to have the most severe losses.一项研究指出养蜂人没有发现死亡的成年蜜蜂更有可能是更加严重的损失。

7.Africa, of course, is not Atlanta, and Coke is, in a sense, sticking its hand into a bees' nest to get some honey.非洲当然不是亚特兰大,但可口可乐坚持伸进蜜蜂巢里去拿蜂蜜。

8.Give him quiet time to think over the mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hills.给他时间,去安静地思索自然界中永恒的神秘:空中的小鸟,阳光下的蜜蜂,青山上的花朵。

9.The bees were attacking me I could heal my friends shouting at me to get down to the pool fast.蜜蜂袭击我,我能治好我的朋友也会骂我,我很快下车去游泳池。

10.He puts a bit of this into the hives, blocking the bees' entrance so that they have to chomp their way through it.他在蜂房里放了一点儿,堵住蜜蜂的入口处,这样蜜蜂就不得不吃出一条通路。