




1.罚款 He was fined 200 dollars. (动词) be fined 罚款 Have you handed in your fine? (名词) ...

2.被罚款 208. 高昂的物价 soaring prices 209. 被罚款 be fined 210. 稳步发展 develop steadily ...

3.罚款了 British talent( 才华) be fined( 罚钱) comments( 评论) ...

5.处以罚金 任何一位闯红灯的人都会被当场处以罚金be fined) spot 。


1.The book is ten days overdue. How much will I be fined?这本书超期十天,我会被罚多少钱?

2.Another person close to the matter said that Bharti and Vodafone could be fined more than $1bn each.另一位知情人士称,巴蒂电信和沃达丰各自的罚款可能超过10亿美元。

3.It's ten days overdue. How much will I be fined?过期十天,我将被罚多少钱?

4.If the court finds that you are guilty, you can be fined or sentenced to social service or to care at the young people's welfare service.假如法庭认为你是有罪,你会被判罚款,为社会作义务工作或者用青年护理法来管制你。

5.Officials warn that people trying to hide facts or give false answers may be fined up to 1, 000 rupees (about $ 22).印度官员提醒称,试图瞒报或谎报信息者将被处以最多一千卢比(大约22美元)罚款。

6.The plan faces its first big test this month: uninsured residents must sign up for a health plan by the end of the year or be fined.本月,全民健康保险方案面临首次大规模的检验:未参保的居民在年末必须报名参与医保方案,否则将面临罚款。

7.If Cole went ahead with the book in its current form while still at Arsenal he would be breaking his contract and would be fined .假如科尔继续留在阿森那,而且仍旧按照原版出书的话,枪手很可能会给他罚款,并且与之解约。

8."Offenders can be fined a maximum of RM10, 000 or jailed not more than two years or both, if convicted, " he said.“罪犯可被罚款10000林吉特的最高或监禁不超过两年或两者兼而有之,如果被判有罪,”他说。

9.Companies that violate these could be fined up to Rmb1m ($152, 000) or even closed down for a "clean-up" , the rules say.规定表示,对于违反规定的公司,最高可处以100万元人民币(合15.2万美元)的罚款,甚或责令停业整顿。

10.The newspaper said owners who did not comply would be fined.报纸认为没有依从罚款的所有者。