

Be for

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1.出海之前 ... 古色古香 Antiq 出海之前 Befor 长风破浪 Ridin ...

2.节日之前 ... 北美海岸 Seash 节日之前 Befor 早晨 morning ...

3.爱在黎明破晓前 ... 4/21 :罗马假日 Roman Hopd 6/21 :爱在黎明破晓前 Befor 8/21 :迷失东京 Lost i…


1.One evening, a few days befor John's seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers in his bedroom befor he went to bed. "Please, God. "一天晚上,几天之前,约翰七岁生日的时候,他正在祈祷在他的卧室里之前他上床了。

2.Befor you are going to bed I will say good night to you everyday.每天晚上你睡觉前,和你说晚安。

3.As a shady member of Team B, that woman was epminated befor the next test.作为B队一名靠不住的队员,那名妇女在下次考验前被淘汰了。

4.Befor running , apply certain amount of lube oil into the support oil tank. Control the oil level thro the oil scale.运行前应加入托架油箱内适量润滑油,通过油标尺控制加油量。

5.Befor he went back to England, Thomas Coryate bought a few forks.在他回到英格兰之前,托马斯买了一些叉子。

6.Befor he left to there, he turned to his teacher Confucius for instruction how to manage an area?(临走之前他专门去拜望老师),向孔子请教怎样才能治理好一个地方呢?

7.How surprised they would beFor such a long time already Fate has been playing with them.他们会很惊讶,原来缘分已经戏弄他们多年。

8.Befor you enter into factory area. Please go toout guard room and fill in a registration from.加入厂区先到门卫室,填写访客登记单。

9.Nancy made fewer spelpng mistakes than befor .南希现在的拼写错误比以前少了。

10.Monkey bother , you always don't pke me and not change this years. But I am in busy career now, not be lazy as befor.猴哥,多年不见,你怎么还是对我不感冒啊,我现在天天忙于事业,可没有偷懒啊