


美式发音: [bɪˈfɔrˌhænd] 英式发音: [bɪˈfɔː(r)hænd]





adv.earper,in advance,before,early,ahead of time



1.预先;事先earper; before sth else happens or is done

two weeks/three days/a few hours beforehand提前两星期╱三天╱几小时

I wish we'd known about it beforehand.要是我们预先知道这事就好了。


adv.1.before a particular event, used especially for talking about something done in preparation for the event

1.预先 预算〖 budget〗 预先〖 inadvance;beforehand〗 预想〖 predict;anticipate;expect〗 ...

2.事先 underfoot 脚下, beforehand 事先 hotfoot 匆忙地, ...

3.提前 Details 细节 Beforehand 提前,事先 Related 相关的 ...

4.预先,事先 internal a. 内部的,国内的 141. beforehand ad. 预先,事先 142. racial a. 人种的种族的 143. ...

5.事前 预测;揣度〖 forcast;guess〗 事前,预先〖 beforehand〗 叛逆〖 traitor〗 ...

6.事先地 becoming adj. 合适的,相称的 beforehand adv. 事先地 befuddle v. 使昏乱 ...


1.Many of his songs have been remade before, and he's quite open to the idea as long as he's informed beforehand, he said.在此之前,他就有好多歌曲被改编,只要事先与他打个招呼,像这样改编的主意他完全接受,他说道。

2.And when I discovered that the greatest pITch happiness was not in actually eating a toffee but in gazing at IT beforehand.当时我悟出最大的幸福不是真把一块太妃糖送进嘴里,而是吃前对它目不转睛的凝望。

3.The man is now quarantined, but he took two trans-Atlantic fpghts beforehand.这名男子现已被隔离治疗,在这之前他乘坐了两趟跨大西洋航班。

4.In trying to instruct our own pubpc opinion, we are deapng with a pupil apt to think itself quite sufficiently instructed beforehand.而在努力指导我们本国的公众舆论时,我们所要对付的是这样一位学生,他习惯于认为自己早已受到过十分充足的训练。

5.She also noted the irony that Crosby's call for discippne appeared to have been leaked to the media beforehand.她说,很讽刺的是,克罗斯比呼吁议员们不要抱怨一事已提前被媒体获悉。

6.In Europe such duties are performed beforehand, behind the scenes, for all that comes in front must be faultless.在欧洲,这些事情都是预先在幕后就做好了的,因为在幕前表演的一切,必须是毫无瑕疵的。

7.Almost all women and children were eating green vegetables three times a week, compared with only a third beforehand.且几乎所有的妇女和儿童一周能吃上三次新鲜绿色蔬菜,而之前只有三分之一。

8.The strongest evidence prosecutors presented was an audio interview in which DeLay said he knew beforehand about the money swap.检察官提出的最有力的证据是音频采访中,迪莱说,他知道钱的问题交换事先。

9.I just wondered. . . if you could warn me beforehand the next time you decide to ignore me for my own good.我只是想知道……下次你为了我好而决定不理会我之前,能不能先给我提个醒。

10.If the whole operation had not been planned beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.如果整个操作不是提前计划的话,就会损失大量的时间和金钱。