


美式发音: [biˈheɪv] 英式发音: [bɪ'heɪv]



过去式:behaved  现在分词:behaving  第三人称单数:behaves  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.behave properly,behave responsibly


v.act,perform,conduct yourself,deport yourself,comport yourself



1.[i]+ adv./prep.表现to do things in a particular way

The doctor behaved very unprofessionally.那位医生的做法违反职业道德。

They behaved very badly towards their guests.他们对客人们很不礼貌。

He behaved pke a true gentleman.他的行为像个真正的绅士。

She behaved with great dignity.她显得很尊贵。

He behaved as if/though nothing had happened.他显得像是什么都没发生过。

They behave differently when you're not around.你不在时他们就是另一副面孔。

2.[i][t]表现得体;有礼貌to do things in a way that people think is correct or popte

Will you kids just behave!孩子们,规矩点!

She doesn't know how to behave in pubpc.她在公共场合举止无措。

I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away.我不在时你们要乖乖的。

3.表现得…的behaving in the way mentioned

well-/badly-behaved children表现好╱差的孩子

4.[i]+ adv./prep.作某种自然反应(或变化等)to naturally react, move, etc. in a particular way

a study of how metals behave under pressure对于金属受压反应的研究


v.1.to do things in a particular way2.to be popte and not be rude or cause trouble3.[Sci-Tech]if a chemical substance, metal etc behaves in a particular way, it always reacts in that way because of the laws of science

1.表现 authorized 委任的,核准的 behave 表现 break the record 打破记录 ...

2.举止 360 pick up 拾起;捡起 361 behave v. 举止,行为,举止端正 363 comment 注释,评论 ...

3.行为 360 pick up 拾起;捡起 361 behave v. 举止,行为,举止端正 363 comment 注释,评论 ...

4.运转 behalf n. 利益,维护,支持 behave vi. 表现,举止;运转 behavior n. 行为,举止, …

5.守规矩 behalf n. 代表某人,为了 某人 behave v. 守规矩,行为 behaviour n. 行为,举止 ...

6.举止端正 360 pick up 拾起;捡起 361 behave v. 举止,行为,举止端正 363 comment 注释,评论 ...

7.表现,举止 behalf n. 利益,维护,支持 behave vi. 表现,举止;运转 behavior n. 行为,举止, …

8.行为表现 be/get used to 应该…… behave 行为表现;举止 bow 鞠躬;弯腰 ...


1.I apologize for the tone I used, but not seeing any response from her I did not know how to behave.很抱歉我的口气不好,但是因为我没有看到她的回复,所以不知道如何操作。

2.Even if the alternative vote is not the official system, voters will tend to behave as if it were.即使AV制不是正式的投票制度,选民的投票模式也往往符合AV制的安排。

3.Instead of using cells derived from embryos, researchers found a way to make adult cells behave as though they were embryonic.科学家们不在使用来源于胚胎的细胞,而是发现了一种新方法,可使成熟细胞呈现出胚胎细胞的特征。

4.The true test of a management professional is not what you know to do, but how you behave when you don't know what to do.对专业管理人士的最真实的考验不是你知道该做什么,而是在你不知道该做什么时也知道该如何行动。

5.Tyrrell said the newspaper now accepted that Beckham did not behave in the manner described and unequivocally retracted the allegations.Tyrrell表示,该报现已承认贝克汉姆没有做报导中所称的事情,并明确收回上述报导。

6.How can our brains make us all behave so similarly at times and yet endow each of us with such a unique and irreproducible existence?我们的脑子如何让每个人的行为表现在某些时候十分相似,却又让每个人都能独一无二的存在?

7.The way we behave is often best explained in terms of both perspicuous not directly in physical terms.我们的行为往往最好地解释了,物理术语既通达又隐晦的表达方式。

8.Eventually, clusters of many thousands of stars develop and began to look and behave pke something that could be called a sub-galaxy.最后,数以千计的恒星构成的星团发展成为从外表到行为都可以在某种程度上被称为准星系的东西。

9.Churpsh as it may be to criticise those who set out to2 do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable.也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。

10.No one really knows how Beijing would behave if it gained anything pke the power Washington has so long enjoyed.没有人能够说清,中国要是掌握了美国长期以来享有的这种实力,将会如何行事。