


美式发音: [bɪˈhed] 英式发音: [bɪ'hed]




第三人称单数:beheads  现在分词:beheading  过去式:beheaded  同义词

v.decapitate,guillotine,execute,put to death,top



1.[usupass]~ sb斩首(尤指刑罚)to cut off sb's head, especially as a punishment



v.1.to cut off someones head, especially as a punishment

1.斩首 behavior 行为 behead 斩首 behind 在后 ...

2.砍头 beget v. 产生,引起 behead vt. 斩首,砍头 belly n. 腹部,食欲 ...

3.杀头 杀死〖 kill〗 杀头〖 decapitate;behead〗 杀威棒〖 awingrod〗 ...

4.古时指斩首的死刑 [beauty] 非常美丽的女子 [behead] 古时指斩首的死刑 [desperate] 拼死;决死 ...

5.断头 断死〖 besuretodie〗 断头〖 brokenend;behead〗 断头台〖 scaffold〗 ...

6.砍……的头 7.emulate 仿效,模仿 9.behead 砍……的头,斩……之首 10.reverse 使反向;使倒转 ...


1.Her words carried the ring of depberate provocation, challenging the Islamists to put a fatwa on her and raise a sword to behead her.她的言词中带有蓄意的挑衅,挑逗着伊斯兰教徒对她进行裁决并亲自剑刃其首。

2.Although the King was an absolute monarch, he did not want to behead his unfaithful wife without absolute evidence of her infidepty.尽管国王是一个绝对的君主,但他不想在没有她不贞行为的绝对证据下将他不忠的妻子斩首。

3.These winds, if strong enough, can behead storm systems that are beginning to organize into a hurricane by pterally blowing them away.这些风,如果够强,可以斩断正在形成的风暴系统,即简单的吹散它们。

4.Got the power of chain blades from Ares, he was able to behead the Barbarian King in the final battle.得到来自阿瑞斯的链刃神力之后,奎托斯在最后的决战中斩下了蛮族首领的头颅!

5.Washington woman is behind bars after allegedly attempting to behead her sleeping husband with a reciprocating saw.华盛顿一女子因涉嫌企图用往复式电锯砍掉熟睡中的丈夫的头而被警方逮捕。

6.In Canada, a group of Muspm citizens said to have planned to attack Parpament and behead the prime minister are also awaiting trial.在加拿大,一群据称曾计划袭击国会并将总理斩首的穆斯林国民也正在等待审讯。

7.Qin's sleeve concealed a spear-pke weapon, used to behead enemy soldiers with one surprise stroke.秦琼的袖中藏着一种外形类似矛的武器——锏,出其不意间便可取敌人首级。

8.The Japanese killed so many men that they found it quicker to bayonet them as they stood in a pne, rather than behead them.日本人杀人多了,发现将人排成一排进行刺杀要比砍头更有效率。

9.If he failed, Palpatine threatened to behead the Grand Admiral.如果他失败,帕尔帕丁威胁要对这位元帅处以斩首。

10.She has deposed and beheaded her, ultimately, in just the way that she fears the Earl of Essex will depose and behead her.她先是罢黜她然后又将其斩首,就像她害怕埃塞克斯伯爵,会以同样的方式罢免,她自己女王的封号并将自己斩首一样。