




1.在后方 9.跟我来! this way,come on!/i lead! 4.在后方behind us!/they're trying to flank us! 6.请求掩护! keep firing i say! ...

2.将某事抛之脑后 ... give sb. credit for sth. 为…而称赞某人 put sth. behind us 将某事抛之脑后 buy 相信 ...

3.在我们后方 ... enemies founded( 意思差不多) behind us在我们后方) they're trying to flanking us( 我们受到敌军威 …

4.敌军在后方 ... z5 I need help-- 我需要支援。 z4 behind us-- 敌军在后方。 Z7 target taken/area securied 区域/目标安全。 ...


1.A few minutes later, the waitress came running up the dark street behind us.几分钟后,服务小姐从黑暗的街道里跑着追上了我们。

2.We do not know what the future holds, but with a few stable weeks behind us, we cannot assume that the worst has passed.我们不知道未来将怎样发展,但我们不能单凭过去几周的稳定形势,就断言最坏阶段已经过去。

3.He said that 'within a year or so residential housing problems should be largely behind us. '他说,在一年左右的时间里,大部分住宅地产的问题将成为过去。

4.As another NBA season is now behind us and Kobe Bryant has picked up his fifth title, his place in history is up for debate.随着又一个NBA赛季的落幕和科比拿到他第五个总冠军,有关他历史地位的讨论再次摆上议程。

5.The sound of a horn from the car behind us prompted me to look up. The young man at the wheel was smipng broadly.不一会,从我车后传来了喇叭声,我抬头望去:驾车的小伙子正咧着嘴对我大笑。

6.With the worst clearly behind us, and with signs of a strong economic recovery in the region, the mission of this group has still not ended.虽然最坏的时间已经过去,而且区内经济更出现强劲复苏的迹象,但小组的任务尚未完结。

7.He came quickly along the path, passed close to where we were hidden, and began to walk up the hill behind us.他顺着那条小路快速走来了,经过了离我们的隐藏之处很近的地方,又开始走上我们背后的山坡。

8.FAO's grains economist Abdolreza Abbassian told Reuters "the worst seems to be behind us. "FAO的粮食分析师AbdolrezaAbbassian告诉路透:“最糟的阶段看来已经过去。”

9.Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mummy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain.儿子从身后拍着小手说,爸爸搂妈妈了,爸爸搂妈妈了,叫得我有些心酸。

10.It was rather cloudy at last. But after we left the mountains behind us , there was hardly a cloud in the sky .原先是阴天,但是我们离开了那座山之后,那里就几乎看不到云了。