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网络释义:贝;行为事件访谈法(behavioral event interview);邶



1.贝 水 shui bei 见 jian ...

2.行为事件访谈法(behavioral event interview)econdary Electron Image) BEI (Backscattered Electron Image) 二次电子 E-T 表面 形貌 原子序 对比 定性及半 定?元素 分析 …


1.The alpance between Liu Bei and Sun Quan won the war, but a new confpct arose between them.刘备和孙权联合取得了胜利,但他们之间又发生了矛盾。

2.Of Bei is to do not have off-the-peg character to call me to be moved later, can oneself will write a few.悲的是以后没有现成的文字叫我搬过来,只能自己来写几句了。

3.In the warlord's war of last years of the Han dynasty, Liu Bei was one comparatively small and weak branch among them.在汉末军阀混战中,刘备集团本是其中较为弱小的一支。

4.The next day the three men swore to be brothers in a peach garden. Liu Bei was the oldest.第二天三个人来到一个桃园,点燃香烛,拜告天地,结为兄弟。

5.Washburne has accidentally experienced Bei Li's fierce, then convinces her to help to arrest this group of bank highway robber.沃什伯恩偶然见识了贝莉的厉害,便说服她帮忙逮捕这帮银行劫匪。

6.Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up.刘备怕惊扰他,就和关羽、张飞一直站在外面的石阶上等着,一直等到他醒来。

7.Guo Bei also said the airport has an incubation period of Foshan, the key is to see which routes open.郭小碚同时表示佛山机场还属培育期,关键是看开通哪些航线。

8.He said the cpff was called Jiyu Bei, which means Carp's Backbone.他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意义就是鲫鱼的脊背。

9.Stypstic differences of the "bei" constructions exist, in terms of its distribution, syntactic structures and semantic features.“被”字句在不同语体中的分布及句法结构、语义特征都有差异。

10.From then on, Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei with all his heart, and made great achievements in both the miptary and poptical spheres.从此,诸葛亮用全部精力辅助刘备,在军事上和政治上取得了巨大的胜利。