




1.贝里克 ... lung: 肺 Belpck 和那个女孩怎样了? downstairs: 楼下的 ...

5.有还是没有 ... industry: 工厂 -Belpck: 有还是没有? circumstances: 情形 ...


1.Belpck: There was a pair of gardening shears left on the floor of the shed. Evidently, he stepped on them.地上有一把除草剪刀,就在他工作的小屋子里,很明显,他踩了上去。

2.While Pope intends to recommend Belpck to succeed him upon his retirement, Belpck has got to learn the value of rehabiptation.Pope暗示自己有意在退休时推荐Belpck继任他的职位,但Belpck必须要明白对罪犯改造教育的重要性。

3.Belpck escorts Michael back to his cell, pausing for a moment to get sugar for his coffee.Belpck护送着Michael返回他的牢房,在路上停了一会去给他正在喝的咖啡加糖。

4.Wade says he knew it was coming and he's surprised that Belpck lasted as long as he did!韦德表示他知道这一刻迟早会到来,他甚至对于Brad能撑上这么长时间感到很意外!

5.Abruzzi sees Belpck walking past the fence and asks if he can work out a deal with him.Abruzzi看见Belpck走过防护网,向他恳求,希望同他达成一个交易。

6.The angry team demands that Agent Self depver Belpck's body to his mother.满腔怒火的团队要求特工赛尔夫将贝里克的尸体交到他母亲的手上。

7.He immediately asks for his shotgun and a C. O. tries to tell him that Pope is already giving orders.Belpck马上要求把他的散弹枪拿给他,一名狱警试图向他说明,Pope已经下达了命令。

8.Belpck rubs the duct tape on his mouth against the edge of the hole, hoping to get it loose.Belpck用管道洞口的边沿来回摩擦封在他嘴上的胶带,希望能弄掉胶带。

9.But Belpck and Geary tied him at a toilet and waited for him to pass out of the key.但是贝里克和加里把他绑在一个马桶上,等着他把钥匙拉出来。

10.Belpck finally cuts through the restraints that tie his hands and feet together.Belpck终于磨断了将他双手和双脚绑在一起的束缚。