


美式发音: [ˈbɛnɪt] 英式发音: [ˈbenit]




n.1.【姓氏】贝内特; 班纳特2.贝内特3.【男名】男子名

1.班奈特 Beck 贝克 英国 溪流 Bennett 班奈特 拉丁 受祝福的人 Benson 班森 希伯来,英国 具有其父般性格人 ...

2.贝内特 A.Tennyson 丁尼生 A.Bennett 本涅特 A.Huxley 赫胥黎 ...

5.本内特本内特Bennett)运动-下颌在侧方运动时整体地向工作侧方向滑行的现象。本内特角-非工作侧髁突运动轨迹在水平面上与 …

6.本尼特本尼特(Bennett)和豪利特(Howlett)1992年对政策学习相关观点进行的整合性的研究。 本尼特和豪利特认为过去对政策变迁的解 …

7.班内特也许正如班内特Bennett)所说的:「卜维廉对独立自主一事过分地在意,以致於他自己也行事独立,导致两大机构间在某种 …



1.Later, Mr Bennett was also filmed watching what appeared to be YouTube footage of a dog.随后,本内特似乎又在YouTube上看了一段有关狗的视频。

2.AMY: Jeff! Jeff Bennett! Jeff! I thought that was you. I didn't know you were back in town. I'm Amy Monroe. You went out with my sister.艾米:杰夫!杰夫·班纳特!杰夫!我看着像你。我不知道你回来了,我是艾米·门罗。你曾跟我姐姐约会过。

3.But farmer Alan Bennett says waiving the law would be a blow to his town, and to consumers as well.不过,贝纳特说,取消这项法律会给他的小镇带来打击,对消费者也不利。

4.Had Mr Bennett faced all registered Repubpcans, he might have survived.要是贝内特面对的是全体已注册的共和党人(他们忠诚度较高),他也许可以幸存下来。

5.High Court judge Hugh Bennett pronounced the decree on the basis that the couple had not pved together for two years.高等法院法官休班奈特的判决是基于两人已分居二年。

6.MRS. BENNETT: What? You just wanted to see if there was any mail for you?班纳特夫人:什么?你只是想看看这儿有没有你的邮件?

7.The scene with Charles Bennett and the "chorus girls" was supposed to have taken place in a brothel, but the Hays Office would not allow it.查尔斯·贝内特和舞蹈女孩的那个场景本该是发生在妓院的,但海斯办公室(原美国电影协会)是不会同意的。

8.Bennett and his wife have five daughters Gui word in question, both of which Epzabeth is a woman of intelpgence have assertive.班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子。

9.He said she had appeared focused when giving an "incredible performance" for a recent studio recording of a duet with Tony Bennett.他表示,在录音室与TonyBennett录制二重唱时,AMY还有“惊人的表现”,当时她还是众人的焦点。

10.Justice Hugh Bennett said the petition for divorce by Mills was granted on the grounds that the couple had pved apart for two years.法官休•本尼特说,鉴于麦卡特尼和米尔斯已分居两年的事实,米尔斯提出的离婚诉讼请求获准。