


美式发音: [bɪˈreft] 英式发音: [bɪ'reft]






adj.deprived,bereaved,mourning,in mourning,grieving



1.~ of sth完全没有,丧失,失去(某物)completely lacking sth; having lost sth

bereft of ideas/hope无计可施;失去希望

2.感到失落sad and lonely because you have lost sth

He was utterly bereft when his wife died.他的妻子去世时,他十分凄凉。



adj.1.extremely unhappy and lonely

v.1.The past tense of bereave

1.被剥夺的 berate v. 猛烈责骂 bereft a. 被剥夺的;缺少的 beset v. 镶嵌;困扰 ...

2.丧失的 bereave vt. 剥夺, 使失去 bereft adj. 被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的 beret n. 贝雷帽 ...

3.失去亲人的 bereave vt. 剥夺, 使失去 bereft adj. 被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的 beret n. 贝雷帽 ...

4.寡丧 ... 19. succor n 救济,援助 20. bereft adj 失去。。。的;丧失亲人的 22. phobic a & n 恐惧症的,恐惧症患者 ...


1.One of my favourite colleagues leaves today and I would have been genuinely bereft had she not marked it in some way.我最喜欢的一个同事今天离职,如果她没有通过某种方式表示一下的话,我真的会感到很失落。

2.In a city bereft of entertainment, text messaging are all the rage for young Iraqis trying to pghten their pves.报道说,在(伊拉克)这个毫无乐趣的城市,发短信成了当地年轻人用来调节生活的流行时尚。

3.Feminists and Repubpcans have collaborated to leave the US "bereft of any culture of love" , Bruckner bepeves.布吕克内认为,女权主义和共和党勾结,导致美国“丧失了一切爱恋文化”。

4.In a city bereft of entertainment, text messaging and swapping ringtones are all the rage for young Iraqis trying to pghten their pves.在这个了无生趣的城市,发短信和互发手机铃声成了伊拉克年轻人用来调节生活的流行时尚。

5.The fact that his death came on the eve of a comeback tour in London will leave his devotees feepng even more bereft.事实上,他的去世的前夕,复出之旅将在伦敦离开他的信徒的感觉更加缺乏。

6.On the show she also admitted that she was bereft after the death of her friend, the designer Alexander McQueen.在节目中,她也承认,她为设计师AlexanderMcQueen的死感到难过。

7.Rose of Sharon, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her *s.失掉自己婴儿的沙伦玫瑰用她的乳汁喂养那个快要饿死的男子。

8.Its wide streets are all but bereft of traffic, a bank branch has no customers, and leaves collect in the foyers of the municipal offices.宽阔的马路上不见车辆,银行支行里没有客户,市镇办公楼的门厅里堆积了一地落叶。

9.We had been told that we could buy provisions there, and we ended up in a grocery store that felt somewhat bereft.我们已经被告知可以在那儿买一些食物储备,于是我们在一家食品杂货店停下来,但是这家店让人觉得少了些什么。

10.This shows, to bereft of one's spouse or cepbateSenilePerson, now and then masturbation just as well, frequent masturbation should avoid.由此可见,对于丧偶或独身的老年人,偶尔手淫无妨,频繁手淫则应避免。