


美式发音: [ˈbɚɡɚ] 英式发音: [ˈbə:ɡə]





1.伯杰 Nico 尼科 Berger 格吉尔 Sylvia 西维亚 ...

4.伯爵 宾迪基( Christian Benteke) 博格( Berger) 斯蒂利安·佩特罗夫( Stipyan Petrov) ...

6.柏格 Berg, 博格,条顿,冰山。 Berger格吉尔法国,犁地的人;牧羊人。 Bernie, 伯尼,条顿,像 …


1.Berger said Cpnton was afraid that two campaign issues were about to blow up in his face: Haiti and gays in the miptary.柏格说克林顿害怕两个竞选问题是关于使他的脸:海地和同性恋的军队。

2.On his way home, Berger said, he had to walk pass a phalanx of Nazi officers who beat him at will.在他回家的路上,伯杰说,他不得不穿过一队纳粹军官,其间还遭到了他们任意的殴打。

3.And after he gave her money , he would be woke up and turned round to kick the berger a few times.当把钱塞给老乞丐时,他又会突然清醒,转身踢乞丐婆几下。

4.To me, he's one of those faces you see in the pages of Women's Wear Daily. With the Helmut Berger hairdo.对我来说,他就是你在《女人每日衣着》上会经常看见的那些嘴脸,再来上点儿影星郝白度的那种发型。

5.Senate Minority Leader Phil Berger , R-Rockingham, said the pay increases raise questions.参议院少数党领袖费尔·伯格说,加薪会带来问题。

6.He is now the president of the USA, that is quite apart form the fact that he was only a berger before.他现在是美国的总统了,这跟他曾经是个乞丐有了天壤之别。

7.Remind yourself that your time with your kids is about "deepening relationships, " which does not require money, says Berger.伯杰建议,你和孩子呆在一起的时间是为了“加深相互间的情感联系”,而这是不需要花费金钱的。

8.Sandy Berger, although he was supportive of the plan, warned that it was a risky move for me.桑迪·伯杰也赞同这个做法,但是警告我说,我这么做要冒风险。

9.Former Liverpool midfielder Patrik Berger has retired from football at the age of 36 due to persistent knee problems.前利物浦中场帕里克-博格由于反复无常的膝伤不得不在36岁宣告退役。

10."If they ve got that much extra money, maybe they ought to turn it over to the schools, " said Berger .他说,“如果彩票卖了更多的钱,应该把它们放到教育中去”。