




1.最佳利益广泛的自由裁量权;另一方面,为了谋求和保护受益人的最善利益best interest)而对受托人课以各种严格的义务和责任, …

3.的利益 ... best interest : 最佳利益 best interest最大利益 best interest : 最善利益 ...

7.最好方向而且若他们觉得他们是以自己孩子的最好方向(Best interest)教育自己的孩子。我想很难去界定这是一种疯的状态。


1.I find myself both saddened and perplexed by the management's conduct in this matter which seems to me contrary to Apple's best interest.在我看来就这件事而言,公司管理层的行为有损苹果公司的最高利益,这使我觉得既伤心又困惑。

2.There was no doubt that a prompt "normapzation" of an intersexual body was always "in the best interest of the child" .没有人质疑对中间性者所迅即实施的“标准化手术”,却有人堂而皇之地认为手术终究“体现了孩子的最大利益”。

3.BHP's Kloppers, 48, has said he will walk away from the biggest acquisition deal this year if it's not in the best interest of shareholders.必和必拓48岁的高瑞思说过,如果它不是股东最感兴趣的话,他将撤回今年最大的收购交易。

4.He said it is now in the best interest of Israeps to make a serious attempt to make peace with the Palestinians.他说,现在,努力与巴勒斯坦人讲和最符合以色列人的利益。

5.Remedy: It would be in Katlyn's best interest to think twice about working for a company where an employee would act so unprofessionally.对策:卡特琳最好能够重新考虑一下是否应该在这样一个公司里工作,因为这个公司竟然会有员工行为如此不职业。

6.This does not encourage China to do what is often in its own best interest.这无助于敦促中国去做一些往往也符合其自身最佳利益的事情。

7.When people cheat , no one wins . It is in everyone' s best interest if IT vendors maintain the integrity of our exams and our credentials.舞弊行为,没有赢家。IT供应商保持考试及认证的公正性才是符合每个人的最佳利益。

8.As always, we will continue to place the best interest of pets at the heart of every decision we make.我们一如往常的以宠物为第一优先,每一个决策都由心出发。

9.We apologize in advance for the occasional mistake, but hope you recognize that this process is in the best interest of Pingo customers.在此,我们就可能发生的错误向您致以万分的歉意,并希望您能够理解此过程旨在维护Pingo客户的重要利益。

10.It might not always be in a manager's best interest or those of his or her unit to provide full and complete information.对管理者而言,提供完整而全面的信息并不总是符合他们的或者是他们单位的最佳利益。