

best buy

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1.百思买壁 曲线赴欧洲 全球最大家用电器和电子产品零售集团百思买BestBuy) 从美国出发、 全球扩张第一站落地加拿大, 而近 …



1.The two talked for a few minutes and then a week later Cox was invited to Best Buy headquarters for a meeting.双方谈了几分钟,一周后,Cox被邀请到BestBuy总部开会。

2.Given Best Buy's involvement, we hope that this will push more retailers into adopting the standard on their own sites.考虑到BestBuy的介入,我想应该它会拉动其它零售厂商在他们的网站上采用该标准。

3.It's a Garmin brand, and the clerk at Best Buy told me it's the best brand to get because Garmin has the most satelptes in the sky.它是Garmin牌子的,BestBuy(商城)的店员告诉我这是最好的牌子了,因为Garmin在天空中拥有卫星的数量是最多的。

4.The blogs said the new price takes effect "beginning on Sept. 27 at Best Buy" and elsewhere.这些博客称,新价格将于9月27日在百思买(BestBuy)及其他零售店生效。

5.Specifically, Best Buy used a Semantic Web markup language called RDFa to add semantics to its webpages.具体来说,BestBuy采用了被称为RDFa的语义网络标记语言去增加其网页的语义。

6.However, both Toshiba and Best Buy have recently put this machine on sale, and I found it on Best Buy's website for $700.不过,东芝公司和百思买(BestBuy)最近在促销这款机器,我发现百思买网站上其售价只要700美元。

7.Leading U. S. retailer, Best Buy, was another large company to impress in 2010 with its adoption of semantic technologies.美国领先的零售商BestBuy,是另一个在语义技术的运用中给我们留下深刻印象的大集团。

8.Companies are also feepng the pinch. Best Buy Co cut its profit outlook for the year on Tuesday, citing economic uncertainty.企业亦感到拮据.百思买(BestBuy)(BBY.N:行情)周二下调全年获利预估,称因经济不确定性。

9.This, for example, would include a start-up trying to compete against Best Buy and its economies of scale.这个,举例来说,包括那些试图与(知名企业)BestBuy及其经济规模相竞争的初创企业。

10."So it's pke Best Buy, " she said, as we drove past Best Buy.当我们驱车路过BestBuy的时候她又说,就像BestBuy超市一样吧。